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Comment Re:Linus Haiku (Score 3, Informative) 507

Haiku yours is not The point missed by you it was It was a joke. Whoosh.

For what it's worth, your post isn't a haiku either. Nor was the original "Linus Haiku". A haiku need not have a 5-7-5 syllable structure; and a 5-7-5 syllable structure does not make something a haiku. Haiku require a cutting word (kireji), and carry imagery of the natural world.

These are closer to senryu than haiku.

Comment Re:Can we not just make this one rule... (Score 1) 681

For what we pay them, we're not going to get that kind of bravery.

As a country, we could pay cops a lot more money and get recruits who you'd actually *want* to be a cop. But as a country we value entertainment more than having competent police (or teachers), so we pay cops (and teachers) small money, and so those professions don't attract the best possible recruits.

Comment Re: Why Java? (Score 1) 179

As a C/C++ veteran of > 20 years, one angle is Android.

That Java mantra got carried into Google at the time and it's locked in now.

Benefits, portably recompiling (not Java) byte code on demand for 32-bit or 64-bit architectures with improved simd optimizations.

Backwards compatibility is kept at the in the runtime-compiler, API level instead of depending on the CPU for legacy compatibility (see Intel).

This predates .NET and only slightly suffers from progressing through the language tweaks from Java 6 through Java 8. It's much more mature than .NET so the changes aren't as drastic.

Library of third-party libraries is vast.

Comment Re:Why rescue those who acted stupidly? (Score 1) 172

See, I think it's wrong not to help people who have been wiped out by a disaster. But the corollary to that (in my mind) is that I think it's stupid to settle people where they are likely to be wiped out if there is a disaster. That only makes it more disastrous.

But the implicit assumption you're making in this case is that all these flooded houses in Houston were likely to experience a flood like this. Likely over what sort of time scale? As others have noted multiple times, there is no historical precedent at all for what happened. It makes perfect sense to criticize re-building in a place that has repeatedly flooded. But we're talking about places that have never, ever flooded in recorded history. Any estimate of the likelihood of something like this happening would have been absurdly small -- non-zero, yes, but absurdly small. So if you're using the criterion that one shouldn't live in a place where the likelihood of a flood is non-zero, then the earlier complaint remains: the same argument can be made of every other type of disaster, and there's no place on the entire planet one can live.

Comment Re:Anyone notice a pattern of behavior ? (Score 1) 381

Absolutely. The one I was quite frustrated about was when the VERY useful (for me, anyway) Usenet archive DejaNews got folded into Google Groups and then made useless. Searching for old Usenet posts now is harder than it was, and most old content appears to have gone unavailable.

Comment Thanks for this article. (Score 1) 381

I don't expect that Google will care one bit about the complaints of posters here; but it's a little bit of comfort to hear other people expressing the same feelings I have. I'm sure there are people out there who like these changes, but I cannot imagine why. What they describe as a "cleaner" interface is, for me, too homogenous. What they got rid of to make it "cleaner" was, for me, useful content. Scrolling around it now is actively unpleasant. Google News has been my homepage on all platforms for years. Now, I'm looking for a new site to use as my homepage.

Comment WikiLeaks is a different beast (Score 2) 895

In response to these events, WikiLeaks has tweeted "Trump's National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigns after destabilization campaign by US spies, Democrats, press."

Wow. WikiLeaks has become a completely, utterly, totally different animal from what they were when they started out.

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