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Comment Re:How hard can that possibly be? (Score 4, Insightful) 663

Well, sure, you were able to take what has to be one of the most pathetic examples of muddiness I've ever seen, and by a rather sophisticated exercise of elimination of possibilities, construe what must have been the intent of its creator. That was a much more difficult problem than the arithmetic problem that it was intended to represent, and you are no 5-year-old.

Comment Atlantic Writer Blows It (Score 2) 545

Even if we conceded the utility of collapsing the US from four time zones to two, the Atlantic writer's proposal would certainly not be the way to go. One desirable characteristic of setting time zone boundaries is to minimize the difference, whether positive or negative, between the clock and solar time. If it didn't matter, she might as well have picked any two random zones in the world. She clearly is aware of that principle, but she blew it in the application. As her proposal stands, Central and Eastern would always observe Eastern. Okay. But Pacific and Mountain would observe Central! Think about it. Central does not get to observe its own true time, while two other time zones do observe it, with one of those having a two-hour offset! The obvious solution is this: Pacific and Mountain observe Mountain. Central and Eastern observer Central. Now you would be using the two time zones most central to the country, with no zone offset more than an hour from solar. And two of them would have no offset.

Comment Re: "Financial Sense" (Score 2) 668

You initially say (correctly) that the shutdown is about not spending money, but later slyly morph that into not being allowed to "run" facilities, and characterize failure to block access as "running", so as to prove that blocking access is required by the shutdown. Sorry, but sitting back and doing nothing is less aptly called "running" than is spending extra money to prevent access. And the additional spending clearly violates your original definition of a shutdown.

Comment Re:for some reason... (Score 1) 382

self-censorship, not censorship or control by the state

The two are not mutually exclusive. I suspect that you are using "self" in an odd way. When you say that "the population made books illegal", what you mean is that a considerable portion of the population either demanded that the state make books illegal, or acquiesced in it. While that says something about how states become oppressive, it does not imply that the state is not doing the oppressing.

Comment Re:Story Misstates SCOTUS Decision (Score 1) 272

I appreciate the interesting ideas about the nature of the Myriad patents, and how obviousness could figure in. Now I'll have to revisit the decision again. I don't recall the court getting into those matters as part of its rationale.

I would still argue that the essence of a gene is its information content, in whatever physical embodiment, and thus that a human gene, even stripped of introns and embodied in cDNA form (or on a hard drive, for that matter), is naturally occurring. That's not at all to say that a non-obvious modification to a gene could not be patentable.

Comment Re:Story Misstates SCOTUS Decision (Score 1) 272

Yes, they held just what you quote them as having done, which is not what the article says they held. The article claims that the court ruled that "human genes cannot be patented, though synthetic DNA, created in the laboratory, can be". While the court did enunciate a principle that could be summarized in that way, and did follow that principle in its first holding, which invalidated some of Myriad's patents, it violated that principle in its second holding, in which it validated two of Myriad's patents of human genes.

The principle is that human genes are not patentable because they are discovered in nature, not invented by a human being, and allowing them to be patented would violate the fundamental point of patent law, whereas synthetic genes, as human inventions, are patentable. But they failed to correctly apply that principle in their second holding. The cDNA representations of the human genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are what Myriad had patented, were simply not invented by Myriad -- they were copied, letter-for-letter, from the gene as represented in naturally occurring mRNA. The court fell into the same mistake that the lower court they criticized in the first holding had made: failing to recognize that copying is not inventing. So the court did not in fact rule as the article stated.

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