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Comment Re:Uhhh... Well... Ya (Score 1) 645

If the objective is to be a desktop OS that everyone can use then

That does seem to be a goal of some distributions, Ubuntu for example. It's not a goal of the linux kernel since by nature not everyone can "use" a kernel due to technical ineptitude or other factors. It's very much NOT a goal of distributions like Fedora - and I like it that way.

Comment Re:Less than ideal (Score 1) 475

The insurance company will increase rates, drop them (requiring a new more expensive company), or whatever. You know where that money comes from? The people that pay taxes!

You know who pays the taxes? The people who voted for the school board! Sounds like a good incentive to get people to pay attention to who they vote for.

How's that working out in your district? I don't mean to be snarky actually just curious if you believe the process is working in your specific case...

Comment Re:It's always refreshing (Score 1) 1090

It's a child protection issue not a financial issue. There's no way that the parents can pay adequate attention to each child. They educate each other (public school is evil etc), take care of each other, and fend for themselves most of the time. There is such a thing as a criminally irresponsible parent (leave your kid in a locked car for example).

And in just such circumstances my Aunt's 10 kids are well adjusted, all. They're successful, generous, well-liked and I never had so much fun as a kid as the days me and my 2 sibling spent "fending for ourselves" at their place. I call your comment BS.

Comment Re:I have an INK timestamp on my punch card box (Score 1) 375

>>stamped to the box

stamped how? the OR was to someone who wrote those times on the box. I had a stamper I used to help automate shipments. Lot's of places "today" needed to be put into the forms. I could set the stamper to whatever date I wanted. I just have to reject that any kind of written date is reliable.

And what about the contents? it's easy to slip a page into a box. No datestamp on that!

Comment Re:I have an INK timestamp on my punch card box (Score 1) 375

I trust my "datestamps

I don't.

There has to be a web of trust. I live in a corn state. you might live in another country or state. I'm not familiar with your "notary" either in the principle sense nor the aggregate. So I have no real trust to go on.

Any physical collection is far easier to modify than a coherent electronic collection. I did mention in parent post that an assumption was a proper system.

If my money or my life depended on it I'd certainly ask for an audit. My trust in either is absolutely not absolute! :) ...did nobody notice I was JUST KIDDING with the old programmer crack? sheesh.

Comment Re:I have an INK timestamp on my punch card box (Score 1) 375

You fail to see the point. The poll was using Timestamp in a way to imply a validated createdatetime. Any other interpretation just invites conflict. Let's just say for simplicity's sake that the date is real.

To me a box with date written on it is not so trustworthy (it's so much easier to modify the contents of some box sitting around) as a strip. But if your habit is only write dates on when wanting to save it (and they were not cheap) then you probably have 8/2 of them are not written on. If I could find those strips they'd have my dad's dates on them which had nothing at all or even less! to do with my usage.

In a proper system the electronic timestamps reduce that uncertainty.

They're better than handwritten notes but they can be compromised also.

But electronic time tracking is fairly reliable since its inception. The same can not be said about hand-written dates.

Comment Re:I have an INK timestamp on my punch card box (Score 0) 375

in a word, No, it doesn't count that you have a box of cards whether or not the box has some kind of calendar indicator or not.

sheesh. why is it old programmers just don't 'get' requirements? Files. Timestamps. A concrete association between the two...

/jk just pulling your leg.

My oldest created file would be from a Vic20, so mid-80's, but it would be on tape and not have a timestamp. My oldest created program would be on a calculator (I think it's still around here somewhere) but not sure if createdate was captured by that magnetic strip. Late 70's.

One has to conclude that, in the domain, Files means on disk (or some kind of re-writeable media) and timestamp means for the file. Etchings on stone caves, ticker tape, steps for an abacus, your entropy machine... even if they can be dated, don't really count towards the poll since they're outside the domain.

so, uhh, errr,,, welcome to my lawn now get off. /P

Comment Re:Not just Google (Score 1) 543

I think many of us "old" techies have no problems getting how cell phones or Twitter works.
What we have a problem getting is why. TXTing is as important to the evolution of communication as the pogo stick is for the evolution of transportation.

Have you not noticed that many IM shortcuts are making their way to texting syntax as well as in the common media? Seriously?!

Truth is many of us 50+ don't really speak well or effectively in that medium. And if we learn, we feel 'false'... Not much confusion over the why of it; txt'ing is shortened and semi-coded language based on the base human language of the participants. It excels at efficiency.

And don't discount the influence the 'pogo-stick' design has had. I believe there are several (http://en.wikivisual.com/images/4/47/Four_stroke_engine_diagram.jpg) reciprocating designs to utilize the stored energy exchange idea behind the pogo stick.

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