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Comment Re:could someone please explain (Score 5, Informative) 166

I'm not educated in astrophysics and everytime I read something like this I wonder, how does anything manage to get "blasted away" from a black hole? I was under the impression anything that got close to it was absorbed?

Simple, black holes are very messy eaters - they radiate a significant fraction of their food as photons. Keep in mind you are accelerating much of the star to a significant fraction of c, letting it collide with itself. This goes double for stellar mass black holes - you have a million+ kilometer star getting 'swallowed' by a twenty kilometer black hole. Even a perfect landing is going to result in most of the star's mass getting flung back out into space if only because the hole is smaller than the core of the star.

Comment Re:I'm not scientist (Score 3, Informative) 166

But wouldn't a roving black hole produce a tell-tale roving gravitational lensing?

Only if you were extremely close by or got a perfect lineup. The former, we could probably notice out to a significant fraction of a light year or so if we were watching the sky.

The latter case is rather problematic, as it would be hard to distinguish a black hole's lensing effect from noise - one frame you see a few photons, the next you don't. Was it a galaxy? A star? Nebula? Random noise?

Comment E-mail needs replacing (Score 1) 690

We could certainly do without the ability to spoof addresses. "Hi, did you send this message? No? Okay." And "Dude, you told me other people sent bogus crap more than once in the past day/you don't have a valid MX record, not talking to you." Really ought to take care of such things.

As for the Internet, though? No. As long as identity can be given some basic level of guarantee (via IP addresses, cookies, e-mails/contact information, and simply the desire to maintain a reputation), what we have can work. Some stuff needs fixing, some software could use selling, some communities need to learn how to run themselves, but the Internet as it is works fine. If you want to make a gated Internet community, nothing stops you. It can exist perfectly fine as an invisible subset of the Internet.

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