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Comment Re:Huh (Score 2) 279

Why aren't weapon systems modular allowing for easy upgrade? No money in that?

They are modular, and explicitly intended for upgrades. Easy? That depends upon your definition of 'easy' - if you don't mind spending money, it's easy.

And why use human pilots for combat craft, a drone could accelerate and turn under massive G forces and still function where a human would black out.

Response time, situational awareness, the difficulty is maintaining a connection during electronic warfare, et cetera, ad nauseum. I think that there are quite a few mission profiles that would suite remote operation, but air superiority isn't one of them (not yet.)

1st: make a fast, sturdy air frame with a reliable engine, 2nd make all electronics and weapons modular easy to replace and upgrade, 3rd get rid of the human.

Like the WOPR? ;)

Comment Re:freedom 2 b a moron (Score 1) 1051

Why would there be little reason to think that? Aside from all the expenses of homeschooling itself (books, materials, etc - both for parents and students), there's also the loss of income from at least one parent (when there even are two) not working. That can easily be half the household income gone, plus the expenses, and they still have to pay the taxes. And in a single parent household, what's the option? Live 100% on public assistance all the time?

You appear to be confusing "not be able" with "would not be a hardship."

That right there is the problem. If they had a choice, this would all be moot. Dumbasses who refuse to vaccinate their kids couple simply send them elsewhere with little or no cost. As it stands, if you're stupid enough to honestly believe vaccines will damage your child, your options come down to bending to the will of the state that you inject poison into your child or lose half/all of your household income and try to educate them yourself.

Again, you are advocating that it should be a reasonable option for parents to be unreasonable.

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