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Submission + - Use your own encryption keys for Amazon S3 storage (

An anonymous reader writes: Amazon Web Services has some good news for users of S3, its popular online file storage web service: they can now use their own encryption keys to protect their data at rest.

Comment Re: Americans are idiots ! (Score 1) 170

I was fine with pounding on the Taliban, but I don't think the goal should have been to do any 'nation building' there. Beat the crap out of the Taliban, kill all the Al Qaeda we can find, then get immediately out - a la the 1991 gulf war.

I don't think we should been in Afghanistan for longer than it took to decapitate the current Taliban leadership. None of this 'force democracy down your throat' crap. We didn't care that they weren't democratic before 9/11.

Comment Re: Americans are idiots ! (Score 1) 170

I did not have a problem with us invading Afghanistan because the Afghani government hid and protected Al Qaeda after 9/11.

How about Act of War against a nation that posed no threat?

Don't get me started ;). Yeah, we've gone from the policeman of the world (understandable in many cases) to the 'overzealous swat douchebag' of the world.

I am against sending troops or drones or air strikes of any kind inside of countries that have not explicitly given us permission that we are not at war with. Every president has probably flirted with this, but Bush really made it policy and Obama has followed suit (the f*cking coward.)

Comment Re: Americans are idiots ! (Score 1) 170

Unfortunately, he isn't.

He isn't what? He isn't better than W? Are you crazy? My f*cking dog would be a better president than George Bush Jr. I've had navel lint smarter than that dipsh*t.

If Rove hadn't sabotaged McCain in 2000 we'd very likely be in a much better place.

Sadly, since that bitter back stabbing McCain has become "new and improved McCain - now with more crazy!"

Let's hope somebody sane can make it through the Republican primary to give non crazy people someone to vote for besides whatever Democrat comes out on top.

The Republican party should get down on its knees and kiss Colin Powell's a** until he says 'yes' - I swear that man would win in an absolute landslide. Hell, the Democrats would probably just concede the election once he'd won the primary.

Again, sadly, the Bush gang poisoned that great man as well.

Comment Re: Americans are idiots ! (Score 1) 170

We violated their airspace and blew shit up. That is invasion.

No, it isn't - unless you're using the trivialized definition of the word where if you are standing a foot from me then you've 'invaded' my personal space. No rational person could compare our actions in Libya with the invasion of Iraq.

No rational person could compare asking congress for permission to retaliate against Syria if they used chemical weapons with "attempting to invade Syria."

Party affiliation? I'm an independent. I'd love for a non-retard conservative to somehow magically make it through the primaries.

If Bush 2 did it, I wouldn't be bringing it up as an example of how shameful his presidency was, I'd be bringing up the part about lying to absolutely everyone about WMDs simply to get the war he wanted.

You sound like you're viewing things through a political filter to me.

Comment Re:It's Valve we're speaking about (Score 1) 173

I used to admit fault on Internet forums because I was under the impression that being humble and admitting that you're wrong would be seen by other posters with respect. But no - people don't appreciate humility on the Internet because it's far more rewarding to "win" arguments

They do, they just tend to be quieter than the others. :)

Comment Says the guy whose company stands to gain... (Score 1) 337

...with the specialized hardware for managing such an internet.

If 'concerned' companies like Cisco were really worried about important data getting through they'd be asking questions about why broadband in the U.S. is so crap on a cost/benefit ratio compared to other modern industrialized nations; and, if they were really concerned about health monitoring and public safety, they certainly wouldn't leave it up to the free market to safeguard those concerns - they'd want a separate protocol for those types of devices/systems.

Anyone who grew up with the early internet (by which I mean the very early 90's, not the DARPA days) and greeted each new increase in bandwidth with elation will recoil with horror at the thought of being throttled by some greedy middle man who YOU ARE ALREADY PAYING to get access to the endpoint you're now being screwed over.

I'm not one for espousing socialist policies, but I'd rather see all the fiber in the U.S. in the hands of the government than net neutrality be legislated out of existence and it be in the hands of Comcast. I know that's like comparing two handfuls of crap, but it would appear that some crap is worse than others.

Comment Re:Why the hyperbole? (Score 1) 174

It is a big deal, but people who espouse one console over the other tend to do it for subjective reasons. A perfect example is your referring to the XBox One as the XBone, you're exhibiting a subjective prejudice that really makes no sense. People who act like this are the same people who constantly argue over whether OSX is better than Windows or if Linux is better than both or Windows is... Et cetera, ad nauseum.

I have no problem with people choosing a PS4 over an XBox One, hell I have a 360 and a PS3. I had the PS3 first and got the 360 for Rock Band and the kids (there were reasons why Rock Band on 360 was a better choice at the time.)

I chose an XBox One at this time because I liked the way the 360 was moving towards being an all in one entertainment device. The XBox One has been great for that. I'll probably have a PS4 eventually, but who knows.

If I'm worried about "more powerful" I'll use my PC, it's vastly more powerful than either of them. Ignoring that unless you're an expert you'd never be able to tell what console you were using from watching gameplay footage without doing a direct comparison and freeze-framing and only then it would be some of the time. Who cares? Seriously.

Hell, I hope Nintendo pulls a rabbit out of the hat and comes up with something mind blowing, never count them out.

Comment Re:Why the hyperbole? (Score 1) 174

Aaah, okay, suddenly the definition of not being dead has evolved into

market is loaded with games taking advantage of Kinect in amazing and creative ways

- lol.

I guess that makes the PS4 camera dead on arrival, eh? Wonder why they keep selling like hot cakes... People must like dead hot cakes.

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