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Comment It doesn't say that at all. (Score 1) 387

It doesn't say anything about the ability of the players.

Now, assuming that the player populations are of equal size, with equal numbers of hours played...

It might be construed to say that PC players are more team focused, willing to do things other than shoot the enemy.

Of course, it is just as possible that someone's programmed a bot on the PC version and the _bot_ is doing the running around, or that the PC players play 10 hours vs the console gamer's 1, or some other difference between the platforms.

Comment Re:Net neutrality is not capitalism (Score 1, Interesting) 402

It most certainly isn't a "natural monopoly".

Here in Wellington, New Zealand, I've got 2 physical broadband cables (DSL and cable) to my house (one at 20mbps, one at 15mbps), 3 separate mobile networks (2 with "broadband" 2mbps+), and plans for a third, fiber connection (100mbps+). I've even got power companies pulling fiber down the street to build a parallel FTTN network so that they can compete on the backhaul business. That's in a middle class suburb. Downtown, there's already a fiber provider in addition to all of the other groups - including the bidding for a second fiber network.

There is most certainly not a natural monopoly. We're not at the point where all bits are the same, and there is competitive advantage to be had by stringing your own wire.

Comment At least it will be free... (Score 1) 194

Unlike "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". That "novel" (since it was really just one long advertisement) was full of product placements, including an advertisement for a Swedish word processing package - complete with URL and price.

At least this way, when I'm blasted with advertisements, I won't have paid for the experience.

Comment I don't see it working for long. (Score 4, Insightful) 216

As experience teaches us, the first thing that people who need to share do is "chmod -R a+rwx ."

So, any security which requires signing of code to run will become looser and looser over time as problems are encountered. That bug is causing problems in production and it takes a week to validate and sign it? Loosen the validation to get it to 15mins, or turn it off completely.

Comment Union Shop/Closed Shop. (Score 5, Insightful) 576

I think that the union is trying to have US-style closed shops in New Zealand. Not a good plan.

"Closed Shops" are (from what I read) frowned upon (if not illegal) in New Zealand. It is up to the individual whether or not they join the union and pick up the collective contract. You can't force them, and you can't say, "You can only hire union members". This is different to the US and Canada which still allow "union shops" to exist.

Thankfully, Peter Jackson covers this in his statement:

    "He always honoured actors' union conditions if they were union members"

You want to have a full union membership in the cast? Approach them and ask them to join.


Feds Won't File Charges In School Laptop-Spy Case 398

jamie writes "Federal prosecutors have decided not to file charges against a Philadelphia school district or its employees over the use of software to remotely monitor students. From the article: 'US Attorney Zane David Memeger says investigators have found no evidence of criminal intent by Lower Merion School District employees who activated tracking software that took thousands of webcam and screenshot images on school-provided laptops.'"

Can Solar Storms Cause Wildfires? 87

astroengine writes "In the wake of recent solar activity, some space cadets were very quick to point out a causal link between geomagnetic storms and the wildfires currently ravaging the landscape surrounding Moscow. Of course, this is patently false. But is there a scenario when the onset of a solar storm could have secondary effects, sparking fires in already arid regions? Possibly. What's more, it already happened, 150 years ago."
The Media

$200B Lost To Counterfeiting? Back It Up 283

An anonymous reader writes "Over the weekend, the NY Times ran a story about how the recession has impacted product counterfeiters. In it, the reporter regurgitates the oft-repeated claim that counterfeiting 'costs American businesses an estimated $200 billion a year.' Techdirt's Mike Masnick asks the Times reporter to back up that assertion, noting two recent reports (by the GAO and the OECD) that suggest the actual number is much lower, and quoting two reporters who have actually looked at the numbers and found (a) the real number is probably less than $5 billion, and (b) the $200 billion number can be traced back to a totally unsourced (read: made-up) magazine claim from two decades ago."

Verizon Changing Users Router Passwords 545

Kohenkatz writes "I have Verizon FIOS at home and my Verizon-supplied Actiontec router had the password 'password1' that the tech assigned to it when he set it up three years ago. I received an email from Verizon that said 'we have identified that your router still had a password of either password1 or admin1 and we have changed it to your serial number.' I checked and it actually had been changed. I believe this to be in response to the Black Hat presentation about the hackability of home routers. I am upset about this because Verizon should not have any way to get into my router and change the settings, especially because I own the router, not them! I looked in the router's settings and I see port 4567 goes to the router and is labeled 'Verizon FIOS Service.' Is this port for anything useful other than Verizon changing settings on my router? What security measures does Verizon have to protect that port from unauthorized access?"

Comment Re:Go Costner! Boo on BP! (Score 4, Insightful) 289

I think you should read the article again. :)

The problem with the centrifuges is not the quality of the oil coming out. It's that they don't deal well with tarballs or dispersants. They need liquid oil so that it can be separated by spinning it.

Since you're spinning it to get the oil to rise to the top, if it doesn't flow (tarball), or doesn't separate (dispersant), the device ain't going to work. That is what the article was saying.

                  "he worries that much of the oil being picked up now will be too heavily degraded or contaminated
                    with dispersants to be easily separated."

Comment Re:It's pretty simple. (Score 4, Insightful) 514

There is a magazine in the US, consumerreports.org. They perform independent product testing. The magazine is fully subscriber supported and (as far as I know) doesn't accept any advertising. They don't event accept free products for testing - they go out and buy them retail.

So, when they review a product, I tend to listen. Sometimes they aren't as indepth as you'd like, but that is visible because they also detail their testing methodologies.

There are various other organisations that follow the same format in other countries. I don't know if they are all affiliated. Here in NZ, there is consumer.org.nz.

Comment Much more likely to be LTE. (Score 1) 251

It is much more likely that if Apple were to release an iPhone for Verizon that it would be an LTE device. It could then be a cornerstone for Verizon's new LTE network which is launching in late 2010/2011.

CDMA is a dead-end, there aren't any new rollouts and the existing carriers are all abandoning it for GSM/UMTS/LTE networks.

So, the question is - is there enough business on Verizon to interest Apple enough to work with a dead-end radio?

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