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Comment Re:This happens more than you think (Score 3, Insightful) 190

It took 300 people before *any* suspicions were raised...
Seriously- I don't care how many mutual friends I have with a random invite, I'm not going to share my personal life with them until I know who they are. I have been known to accept LinkedIn requests from strangers, where I see some professional value in doing so, but I don't post pics of my family on linkedin...

Comment Abolish private schools (Score 1) 479


Fundamentally, education is a social (and socialization) process. It has to come from the community. Middle-class teachers commuting to poor neighborhoods will rarely bridge the cultural gap needed to form a successful connection between teacher and student.

Beyond that, metrics get in the way of the intangibles that represent what really matters about learning. Kids these days are super-stressed and need down-time that isn't tied to a performance metric.

Eliminate screen time K-8. They get enough (too much) of it at home. There is zero competitive advantage in having a nation of kids that can use a mouse and click on icons all day. It's the most basic of skills to learn- no one is 'left behind' by an absence of screen time.
Double the time spent on physical education, with a focus on getting *outdoors*. Get some vitamin D and fresh air.
Bring back music and arts programs. So many intangible benefits- de-stressors, creative outlets, social engagement, neural development, etc, etc.

I spent hundreds of hours in band rehearsals. When I wasn't in rehearsal I ran cross-country. I paid a small amount of attention to homework and graduated first in my high-school class and then first in my engineering class. If I'd been educated under some standardized test regime I would have missed out on some of the most educational social encounters of my life. Fundamentally, I was successful because I felt I was part of a community that cared about success. Also, I was taught by teachers I could relate to.

FWIW I went to public school. Private schools were relatively rare, growing up. There was the sense that if you had to go to private school it was because you were struggling in the public system- a weak student who needed more 1:1 time. Times have certainly changed...

Comment I call BS on this whole story. (Score 1) 845

Honestly, when the judge asks OJ to try on the gloves do you think he's going to just pull them on and say 'Wow! They fit!' The school board member had a pre-meditated motivation to proof that the tests are worthless- do you really think he tried? I heard this story on NPR where he was claiming that none of his 'scientist friends' use the math you find on these tests, which is so untrue as to be absurd, unless of course all of his scientist friends are 'political' scientists.

FTR I am not a fan of standardized tests but the confirmation bias in this whole story makes it nothing more than crappy journalism.

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