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Comment Re:Low (Score 1) 674

Yes, even for professional, publication quality work. I've been working in and with engineering academia for years now and have yet to meet anyone that actually uses something other than Word. The equation editor is more than adequate for 90% of the math that goes on. Most journals (in my field, anyway) require documents to be submitted in word format.

Comment a couple ideas (Score 1) 471

anything you do with it online, do through tor or an anonymous proxy. don't leave any tracks if you don't need to.

put it on wikileaks, as already advised.

get hardcopies out there, too. buy a new ream of paper from your local office supply store. handle the paper with gloves from packaging to printer to envelope. i shouldn't have to suggest to handle the envelope with gloves, too. mail it with a bogus (actually bogus, not a real address for someone else) return address, dropped in to a mailbox nowhere near where you live or work. sent them to the local media, the internal affairs department of your local police agency, any local politicians you trust, etc.

good luck!

Comment vaporware (Score 4, Informative) 219

The summary is bad enough, talking about invisibility cloaks as if they actually exist. This and the prior work by the team are nothing more than computer models. I'm not discounting the importance of the research, just the way in which it's framed. We don't have such cloaks yet and likely won't for a long time.

Comment it costs money just to own a car (Score 1) 1137

state/city registrations
parking tickets

i sold my car last year because i wasn't using it and it was still costing me about $2k per year just to keep it around. had i used it as my primary mode of transportation, i probably wouldn't have been spending $12k per year, but certainly at least half that.

Comment Re:The problem... (Score 1) 192

when you watch

you can watch any content on hulu at any time.

what you watch

you're correct about this. you can't watch content on hulu that is not on hulu.

and what you watch with it

you can run hulu full screen on any computer with a web browser and flash. doesn't seem very limiting to me.

I'd rather a simple purchase/rent model myself

would you really be willing to pay for every tv show you might want to watch? i certainly wouldn't pay to keep up with half the stuff i have subscribed on hulu.

one of the things i like most about hulu is finding new shows and being able to watch an episode right away to see if i like it. all it costs me is a minute or two of commercials, during which i'm not likely to pay attention anyway.

ad-supported viewing is still viable, though it's not going to fail because of individuals like you. it's only going to fail when people tune it out well enough that these typse of ads no longer generate a good ROI. in the meantime, try to enjoy the free video streaming while we have it.

if hulu disappears, we're unlikely to get anything better in it's place.

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