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Comment Re:VitrtuaBox (Score 1) 384

so very true, VMWare Server 1 was Ok, i used it for some small servers for a while, with the intention of migrating to Xen; but a hardware failure prompted us to move in a hurry.... to VMWare Server 2. _total_disgrace_ no amount of tuning could give us the lost performance. slashed half of the VMs, and still users complained.

the final and best solution was migrating to a server-class KVM install. far easier than Xen and great performance.

Comment Re:Fuck flash (Score 1) 272

Honestly, I don't know anyone who uses Flash for things other than video...

It's also quite good to provide HTML5 capabilities to prehistoric browsers. a great example is svgWeb, which lets you use SVG in any (almost) browser. if possible, will be native SVG, if not, it loads a flash renderer. ... or for better-than-terrible uploads, SWFuploader is a real lifesaver. ... or for local storage, as per PersistJS

IOW, in a perfect world, nobody would need it. but we do.

Comment Re:Alfresco (Score 1) 119

dotCMS is (like most other 'CMS's out there) a WebCMS, while Alfresco is a Document manager (which can publish to web, but it's not the main use).

It's a big difference, in fact i don't know why they're called the same. The functionality intersection is very thin.

Comment Re:Use the Coax as a wirepull for the cat5 (Score 1) 608

Only two pairs are used in standard duplex Ethernet. The other four conductors are occasionally used for Power over Ethernet. See the pinout.

That was true only on 10/100BaseT. Gigabit Ethernet uses all four pairs, bidirectionally. PoE uses the same wires as the data, adding a constant voltage to the differential signal.

Comment Re:Bugs are an error in the... (Score 2, Interesting) 596

Mr Graphic Designer Man: "Linux still doesn't do proper color management."

Me: "I don't know what that means. You may be right."

Funny that you mention that; I've throughly compared several CMS engines, from Adobe, Apple, Esko (formerly Barco), Efi (makers of the Fiery) and LittleCMS (the OS CMS used everywhere Linux need color management). Believe it or not, LCMS was right there with Efi on quality, a little better than Adobe, and waaay better than Esko (Apple was erratic, it seems to be a modification of Efi's engine). And it ran circles around everything else on terms of performance and resource utilization.

So, quality _can_ be better on OSS, but it won't dispel long help myths.

The Internet

New Study Shows Youth Plugged In Most of the Day 157

An anonymous reader writes "The amount of time youngsters are spending on the web has ballooned to exceed the average adult's full working week, according to a new study. A few years ago, the same researchers thought that teens and tweens were consuming about as much media as possible in the hours available. But now they've have found a way to pack in even more. Young people now devote an average of seven hours and 38 minutes to daily media use, or about 53 hours a week according to Kaiser Family Foundation findings released today."

Comment Re:Chip? Why? (Score 2, Informative) 15

The eye certainly doesn't have any processors of any sort in there.
It has a detector and some wiring in to the brain.

wrong. the retina does a lot of quite useful processing on the image before sending quite high-level data to the brain:

there are lots of hard-to-explain cases where somebody can see perfectly; but can't detect movement, or where can't recognize the border between shapes, and therefore is unable to make sense of what sees, etc.

Comment Re:Privacy for what? (Score 1) 213

You do realize the inherent conflict of interest in criticism from a competitor right?

yeah, don't listen to the competitor's arguments! also, don't listen to the defendant attorney in court cases!

c'mon, it's always important to read both sides. if they're the best they could say; but one of them is full of ad hominem's or similar bad arguments, then it's a good sign the the other side has a better point.

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