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Comment Re:I'd say most are less extreme (Score 1) 1134

I guess it depends on how quirky they are. I'm a bit quirky, but I am (at least according to my last review) very productive, helpful and pleasant to be around. My biggest quirk is that to get anything serious done I need long stretches of uninterrupted time, because interruptions completely derail me mentally. My bosses are understanding and they try to make sure they don't stuff me into too many meetings, or at least they try to concentrate them into one or two days a week to minimize my need to stop & start working.

I have other quirks too, though over the past 15+ years in the job force I've learned to hide and/or work around those on my own.

And by the way what kind of a geek would insult female coworkers? Sheesh, those are the ones I go out of my way to help! Maybe it's just because all my female coworkers are grad students... :)

Comment Re:Comcast's own Digital Voice is unaffected (Score 1) 177

As has been mentioned earlier, Comcast VOIP is out-of-band. It's not that they're giving it priority; it's that it's not even part of the equation. It's just like how their current TV service is handled; your Internet being pegged doesn't stop your TV channels from working either.

Now, if Comcast does start offering regular over-the-Internet video streaming, then yes I would agree it should be treated the same as anyone else's service.


AMD Releases 900+ Pages Of GPU Specs 325

An anonymous reader writes "Ending off the X Developer Summit this year, Matthew Tippett handed off ATI's GPU specifications to David Airlie on a CD. However, the specifications are also now available on the site. Right now there is the RV630 Register Reference Guide and M56 Register Reference Guide. Expect more documentation (and 3D specifications) to arrive shortly. The new open-source R500/600 driver will be released early next week."

Submission + - MMORPG Games and Fraud (

WWoWW writes: In the world of MMORPGs, also known simply as online games, players can meet other players, become friends, engage in battle, fight shoulder to shoulder against evil, find their virtual destiny... However not all is well in these virtual worlds, where virtual evil can become greedy reality. Online games are played by real people, including thieves and con artists who make real money by stealing other people's virtual property. This article explores how MMORPG passwords and virtual property are stolen and how other malicious acts are committed against MMORPG players.

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