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Comment Hmm... (Score 1) 608

The linked site has posts sub-titled "Climate Denial Crock of the Week," indicating that they're part of the "science is settled" camp. So, anyone that disagrees with any part of the pro-climate-change-thus-pro-green-everything platform is a denier, rather than an alternative viewpoint? We're at an interesting time in the evolution of science, indeed.

Comment Aside from the obvious "new shiny" stuff (Score 1) 385

The biggest reason is probably the basic economics of the suit. Sure, the GS3 might not end up included in the suit eventually but if they have to pay out a billion+ and are restricted in sales of other models and in where they can sell, it will probably drive prices up on every other Samsung model. This may happen if for no other reason than people like Samsung phones and were just waiting for a good excuse to buy one (especially the most recent full-featured model).

Comment Re:I've been uxing Xubuntu (Score 3, Interesting) 328

The difference is we get a choice, we don't have to accept what they create. Pity the poor fools on Windows, they are about to get Metro whether they want it or not and they aren't going to have many options. Heard the latest? The prereleases have been hacked to default to a normal desktop but the RTM has 'fixed' those hacks so they won't work. They aren't going to allow em to escape. Of course corporate types will be able to stay on Win7 for years; end users won't be able to buy a new PC without 8 after the new year.

Agreed regarding the Metro loophole business, though I'm sure this isn't the last we've heard on this.

Sadly, though, I'd like to present you the Flamebait of the Day award for that last bit.
Windows Vista release = Jan 2007
Windows XP still available from Dell = October 2012
My sources are telling me Windows 7 will follow much the same plans as XP did, with availability as a "downgrade" option for the next year at the very least.

Furthermore, Microsoft STILL allows downgrades from some Win7 editions to WinXP! (see

Comment Re:Perl (Score 1) 477

Because so many Perl writers can't be bothered to use strict or -w, or want to be clever instead of writing clearly.

That's not a language issue -- it's a user issue. Furthermore, that's not unique to Perl nor is it even "most" prevalent in Perl, despite the popularity of obfuscated Perl contests and visibility hereabouts. If you're gonna pick on someone for making these mistakes, Javascript is a FAR more deserving target. ;)

Comment RTS/etc. (Score 1) 146

RTS games almost universally get the shaft in these stories. Main combat screen on one monitor, status/minimap on the other. Supreme Commander is a great example of well-done multimonitor RTS games. Alas, RTS tends to suck when you only have like 5 buttons and a poor pointing interface on your controller. ;)

Comment Asus and Acer "in lockstep with Redmond?" (Score 1) 565

Intel, HP(Compaq) and Dell are pretty much the only major OEM players that have worked directly with Microsoft for anything other than business deals and high-level stuff, or were up through 2011 or so. HP/Intel have been the two primary partners for low-level tech development such as UEFI, with Dell playing a sort of Mongo to HP's Sheriff Bart simply because they were the biggest OEM before HP/etc. outsourcing to ODMs in China (Acer, Foxconn, ASUS) killed Dell's profit margin advantage.

You can bet that HP/Intel will share in the benefits of any new tech that comes out of the Surface product due to the above close relationship. I can almost guarantee Microsoft will delay giving anything new and profitable to Chinese ODMs because as soon as they get it, history has shown it will be on the shelves in knockoff products as soon as they can retool to get it done (usually 6-9 months).

And really, considering the fiasco with Palm/Touchpad, does anyone really think HP had any interest in trying it again on their own? If this tablet goes well for MSFT, HP will be happy to become a partner and develop their own version(s) with similar build quality and the usual tight integration with Microsoft.

TL;DR = nothing to see here but another disgruntled or otherwise axe-grinding article against the PC industry. The people at HP/MSFT/Intel actually still making things happen are I'm sure laughing their asses off (to the bank?) at these sorts of drama-laden missives. ;)

Comment Re:Christian country (Score 1) 488

I can only pity those who believe themselves immured in such a wholly polarized society.

The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.
        F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Crack-Up", Esquire Magazine (February 1936).

Not all adherents of religion are wacko nutjobs. More importantly, not all religions require nutjobism of its supplicants. ;)

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