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Comment My favorite Apple contribution to society is (Score 1) 153

(heresay following, I may be wrong) At one point Steve Jobs said it is cool for 3rd party developers to make applications. This flew in the face of other corporations at the time like ATARI and IBM who were trying to say,"Only the hardware manufacturer had the right to make applications" The world would be a much darker place if only hardware manufacturers could make applications for so many reasons I don't feel the need to list them here. In fact... some of the corporations are trying to backtrack on this today that,"Only some companies can make applications on their hardware."

Comment Thank you Slashdot, this impacts me directly (Score 1) 174

I have a Flash video game, I wrote over the past year(about 800+ hours worth of work by me, maybe 4,000 man hours across the project). I think it just might run on Tablets easy. I'm going to drive to Best Buy and run a version of it on their store product because I don't actually own a tablet myself. So thank you Slashdot. I get to get out tomorrow.

Now here is a question, if you write a hit game on Android and sell it for $0.99 in their ap store, what would you make in profits?

Comment Re:Not mutually exclusive. (Score 1) 735

Exactly. I wrote a book with an article with this in it. The book was approved by God. I prayed to God over the book just before it was published. I wanted to know if my theory was okay or if I was overstepping my bounds in it, so I silently prayed,"God I hope everything is cool." Instantly through IM, my coauthor IMs me,"Everything is cool." Because God approves my book and this article is in it, I know "The Long Day Theory" is how things happened. This theory is so obvious that I came up with it on my own not even knowing others already did too.

Comment I'm a Christian that knows evolution is real. (Score 1) 735

Christianity and Evolution are very compatible. Christians should not challenge evolution, they should challenge their own theology. Just as God spoke to me one time to let me know he is real, he also let me know my first book was approved by him. In the book I wrote about God, I have an article entitled,"The Long Day Theory", Read it here

Comment This is a dream of mine (Score 1) 56

After accomplishing some of my major goals in life, I always wanted to start a video game museum for kids. My history(video games) will be lost if not preserved. Also, it is good for local kids to have something to do besides stay at home alone. The way the USA works with liability, there is nothing fun anywhere outside of places where you spend money. This is because if the place doesn't make money, some jerk sues them and they go out of existence.
USA: Bars, department stores, and the beach if you're lucky. And somehow it is still one of the best places to live.

Comment Ok, I'm going straight scripture on this one. (Score 2) 570

Proverbs 13:23 GNT "Unused fields could yield plenty of food for the poor, but unjust people keep them from being farmed."

The Bible says there is enough food for all, but because of greed and bad distribution of resources, that is why people go hungry.
We should be looking at all answers for this. It is my own personal goal in life to make money so I can redistribute it to investing at farming in poor places. It is a net loss, but I see the plight of the people dying because of malnutrition. When I went to Carnegie Mellon, my goal was to learn how to cure diseases by helping write software, but I never got a chance to. So since I can't be helping cure diseases on my life, I see people who die to malnutrition as a group of people who can benefit right now without discovering a new cure. At the rawest form, you can buy someone food directly so they don't die to malnutrition, but not many of us are wealthy enough to help them all. There are more advanced solutions to helping them in the long term such as buying fruit trees for them, or micro loans to start a farm,etc,etc. It is complex, but it should be everyone's fight.

Comment Does it matter what reasoning lobbyists have? (Score 3, Insightful) 791

Lobbyists have a motive,"To get people to do what they want", then they'll make up the words that sound as reasonably sounding to a regular Joe to make it sound like it is in his best interest. No matter how awful the thing someone wants to do, I'm sure they can always make a bullshit reason why it is in everyone's best interest. It doesn't matter they have a,"sound byte", they can do this stuff in their sleep.

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