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Comment Re:Welcome to our world (Score 1) 1205

Here in Metro NY I live one hour from Penn Station (NYC) by express train. Property taxes are high and so are housing prices, but when compared to owning an apartment in a decent building in NYC it is a bargain. But because we are in suburbia we have to have two cars and drive everywhere. The nearest supermarket is not walking distance. The train costs $300/month, but to drive would cost a hell of a lot more, so it works out to be a combination of mass transit and cars, but the cars are definitely needed. You also do not want to live walking distance from a train station - not particularly safe for the kids.

Comment Re:Wiki (Score 2) 290

As an IT worker I have always documented. As a manager, an internal wiki was always set up by me during week one where one did not already exist. As a CTO that is one of the questions I ask of prospective managers. 15% of any project is given to documenting it. I have left positions where I left on the best of terms and gave tem my cell number with instructions to call if there is anything they need to know. Usually I get 1-2 calls just to clear up something that seemed obvious to me but to an outsider was a bit ambiguous. To me this is SOP - to do otherwise means you are not doing your job.

Comment Re:Hate is certainly in the eye of the beholder (Score 3, Insightful) 671

"The legal system should not be considering thoughts but only actions."

Really? So manslaughter = murder? You might want to rethink this. The whole idea of "Mens Rea", or what the person is thinking is integral to the entire criminal justice system in the US. If I hit you with my car and you die, it should not make a difference if I was trying to mow you down or you jumped out from behind a car and there was no way for me to see you? Without considering thoughts those two actions are the same.

Comment Everyone needs to stop playing lawyer (Score 1) 458

Lots of people on here are giving answers that to a techie makes perfect sense, but in the real world do not.

Assuming you live in the US, are you in a Community Property state? In that case you might both own all of it. If not then other things come into play, but "who took the picture" and "who owns the copyright" and "in whose name is the domain registered" are stupid questions on their own.

You need to consult a matrimonial lawyer and not get advise from people who are giving "common sense" answers which are likely neither.

Comment Re:wrong approach (Score 1) 260

Wrong approach. People will walk off your tablets. Instead, have the users bring their own. Set up an open wireless connection that supplies the users with a captive DNS directing everything to your internal service that only serves up your content.

Don't provide any other open connection. Then your crap shows up on everybody's ipad and android phone. Be prepared to fend off angry customers.

But at least you save the cost and headache of managing all those tablets and don't have to.replace.them every week.

Right, because that disables the 3G connection so well.

Comment Re:Washington State law protects you if you live h (Score 1) 467

That is a great suggestion - play armchair lawyer. Then when the company sues you and claims that the code does fall under one of the parts,you find yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit and have to hire a lawyer.

Discuss this with your employer ahead of time. If the employer does not give you an exception, either find a new job or expect to fight a lawsuit and but several thousand dollars aside for legal expenses.

Comment Re:Similar Situation (Score 5, Insightful) 165

Here is the problem you are about to face... Next time you work under someone, you are going to second-guess everything they do. What you need to do it to ask your company to send you for management training, my guess is that based on how you phrased things you have never had any. After that you need to take the time to figure out how to explain to your subordinates how you want something done and let them do it. You may think you are the best person to do something, but if you can teach 5 or 10 (or more) people to do it the same way, that makes you far more valuable to the company and will get a you a larger paycheck as well. You just need to figure out how to do it all in a way that does not stress you to the point of snapping and eventually it will become easy and natural. All that being said there is nothing to stop you from trying to teach the occasional night class at a local college.

Comment Safety is the reason (Score 4, Informative) 891

But it is wrong. There are cars from the 1980s that get great gas mileage. The difference is the mandated changes for safety, which has made cars heavier. It takes more steel to make a car crumple the right way. I am not saying this is a bad thing - I am a fan of living through car crashes, but that is where the major mileage decrease happened.

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