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Comment Re:BMI is 2d but people are 3d (Score 1) 329

So, while the problem is probably real and severe, I'd like to see a better way of measuring this stuff.

The trick is finding something similarly cheap and easy to measure. For something that can be determined with just a bathroom scale and a tape measure, most of the more effective competing metrics I'm seeing involve equipment you wouldn't see outside of a major hospital.

Comment And then what? (Score 1) 348

This faces the same problem that a cross-Bering rail connection would have: "And then what?" Alaska doesn't have a particularly robust rail network (the tunnel would have to go all the way to Anchorage), and what it does have doesn't leave the state; there are no connections to Canada, let alone to the 48.

Anyone or anything that arrives by tunnel would immediately have to get onto a truck, bus, ship or plane. Unless China sees that much of an untapped market in Anchorage and Fairbanks.

Comment Can't even tell time right (Score 1) 399

Company representatives seemed sure that people in practice would be uninterested in constantly recharging their watches and downloading software updates just to tell time.

It's been over 40 years since UTC shifted from elastic seconds to leap seconds. Terrestrial radio (nevermind GNSS!) synchronization signals include more warning about those leap seconds than they do about summer time shifts. And yet these watchmakers still can't sell me a watch that can properly handle leap seconds.

So yeah: I agree that I'm not thrilled about having to push software to my watch just to tell time, but I'm also not thrilled that being able to reprogram my watch is the only hope I have of getting a timepiece that actually tells time properly without having to get my own cesium oscillator.

Not that that's much hope, since I have yet to figure out how to get my GPS-enabled Android tablet to tell me what the Delta-AT is...

Comment Re:*sigh* (Score 1) 358

His English comment doesn't even make sense. The kid wanted to switch to economics.

I suspect it's a deliberate misdirection. Google wants to keep people in CS degrees to keep wages down, rather than lose them to degree programs with higher earning potential. Arguing against an economics degree was too inconvenient so he made it about English instead.

Comment Re:This is kinda gross. (Score 0) 564

15 years of "everything's fine?" Or simply 15 years of employees quietly being passed over for promotion, implicitly encouraged to seek employment elsewhere, and not wanting to jeopardize a professional reference? Nobody ever lost a job by not complaining about their workplace environment.

Workplace discrimination and a hostile work environment are by their nature self-perpetuating and are often subtle enough to go unaddressed and unchecked for years as victims desire to avoid "rocking the boat" and jeopardizing both their present and future employment.

Any appearance of bigotry so high up the chain of command cannot be tolerated if an organization truly wishes to be inclusive. Letting him continue to hold his prior position of authority unchecked after his bigotry came to light was a mistake; promoting him simply compounded the long-festering problem.

Comment Re:And yet they supported Obama (Score 2) 564


Oooh, "grassroots!"

searched the federal campaign-contribution database and found that Yagan gave...$500 to then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign who also opposed gay marriage at the time.

He also opposed preemptively bombing Iran and didn't choose Sarah Palin as a running mate. Most political candidates don't run on a single issue. Did the campaign check specifically have "Fuck the gays!" written in the memo?

According to Wikipedia, 7,001,084 people voted for Prop 8. Why do any of those people still have jobs? Shouldn’t they all be forced to resign?

Depends on if they all hypocritically run companies that claim to strive for diversity.

One reason why rich white guys like Eich are being targeted so viciously is that the many black churches who supported Proposition 8 — and, indeed, put it over the top — are out-of-bounds for criticism.

And since it's the only "reason" you listed it's the only reason that matters? Besides, unlike Eich here, "the black churches" (as well as churches of other, less sinister colors) have tended to recant prior support and joined organizations such as the NAACP working towards equality.

True, he didn’t support Prop 8 or other attempts to legally ban SSM (a strong signal at the time that his stated view was a lie),

Or, y'know, federalism.

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