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Comment I just don't believe it (Score 1) 170

I do not want to under appreciate the people that made this research, but I just don't believe it. At all.

Evey time I see any of this studies I wonder if there exist on this planet any way to know, not even an approximation, a thing like that.

Thousands of private servers can not be count on.

  9.57 zettabytes ? Wow, how did you get the .57? Maybe it was rounded from the real 9.56873981273982173 zettabytes calculated.

A more serious conclusion would have been "about 10 zettabytes".


Submission + - PlayStation Network Reactivation Delayed (i4u.com)

i4u writes: Earlier this week chatter in an IRC network lead to speculation of a third attack on Sony's network. For its part, the company steadfastly promised that at least some services would resume by the end of this week. But now it looks like Sony has given up on that goal. The PSN reactivation has been delayed.

Sony's explanation? They were "unaware" of the "extent" of the attacks on their system.

Submission + - SPAM: Peugeot EX1 Now Holds The Electric Car Lap Record

liqs8143 writes: "Peugeot EX1, the all-electric concept car now holds the electric car lap record at Germany's Nürburgring circuit. The car was unveiled at the 2010 Paris Motor Show, and has already broken half a dozen speed records up till now.
Despite wet weather, Ex1 broke the existing record with a time of 9 minutes and 1.338 seconds, beating the previous record set by modified MINI E electric car, by almost 50 seconds. The 340 horsepower EX1 averaged an impressive 85.9 miles per hour during the lap."

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Submission + - FAFSA Website does not support Linux (google.com)

Horizontal_Mode writes: I was thinking about going back to college for the 2011-2012 year and upon beginning my application I was told browsers on Linux were unsupported. You can get around it by changing your User Agent string, but I'm not sure I want to "lie" while applying for money. I guess the Microsoft tax applies to Federal Student Aid as well. Grrr

Submission + - ask slashdot, procedural programming to oop

An anonymous reader writes: I have a question that I figured would be best to post to the slashdot community: where can i fnd a tutorial/book that breaks down the concepts behind object oriented programming for someone like me who already has a fair grasp on procedural programming? I don't write code for a living, but with the current state of the job market I wouldn't mind learning more about it in my spare time.

here's what happens: I decide I want to write a simple windows/android application and so I follow a tutorial to get the appropriate development environment up and running, then I follow a tutorial or two and they all seem to just say "then we use this code... to..." without actually saying why im creating a new object, which classes are inheriting others, how to effectively use the gui in the development environment and what code clicking on certain things creates and why.

it just seems like procedural programming is very straightforward and while I realize there are many more aspects to oop, no tutorial manages to explain the concepts in a re-usable manner. I follow a tutorial and either get frustrated that im not really learning anything or I build the application and then realize I could build the same application again but I haven't learned how to look up new classes/objects I might need for a different type of application. the tutorials all get you from point a to b, but they don't really teach you anything. why does oop feel like such a hard area to get into?

Submission + - The Tale of Red Hat's Name!

donadony writes: The post discusses 3 versions of stories telling "How Red Hat got it name!". The post is based on Bob Young, co-founder of Red Hat, interview. Each of them is an interesting one to read.

Comment Is networking the easiest thing to learn ? (Score 2) 480

I do not understand why people underrate networking as if becoming a network admin can be done just with a " 'unlimited' budget to buy routers, switches, etc., to set up my own little test network as part of the learning process".

Seriously. Have you asked yourself for example, who's going to do the troubleshooting? Yourself?

Think about a network admin that asks here what computer, software and books need to buy to become a "star programmer". What would you answer?

Comment Re:People have never thought on their own (Score 0) 311

The culture, and the religion. They heard and saw what dictators, politicians and religious persons told them. It was a very far off from the reality and it still shows today with religion. I rather hear things from everyday people. Theres a lot of information and knowledge that would never come out of "official" channels. Or with todays technology I can travel the world myself and see those things. Yes, some people will never use that opportunity. But at least now it's possible for everyone and everyone can make their own decisions instead of some religion telling you what to do.

Absolutely agree. And just to add to your point of view regarding religion, centuries (decades?) ago stupidity was even worse, when the mass was spoken in Latin and people did not even understood Latin!

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