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Comment Re:Still objects more dangerous than moving object (Score 2) 85

Do we not have to worry the most when the faint objects do *not* move at all, between pictures? Then they are heading straight for us.

Incorrect, we are judging their movement as compared to the background stars, which are (relatively) fixed in position while we move. An object on collision course with us will not be heading straight the position we are at when it is observed, but it's trajectory will have to carry it into the path of our orbit, at the same time that we occupy that same point. If an object appears in the same fixed position as the starts around it, it is either too distant to concern us, or it is in a concentric orbit at the same angular velocity as us and not an issue (although this would be an extremely interesting discovery).

Even something on a perfect spiral trajectory on the elliptical and matching our angular velocity would be detectable due to observations at different times of the night (as we rotate around the Earth's axis) and the different Doppler shift compared to much more distant stars.

Comment Re:Realistic (Score 1) 374

Another possibility might be working on lower loss, high capacity transmission lines (or methods), and bridge the various grids to move solar generated power to the darkened parts of the country and possibly planet. A global electrical network with multiple redundancies could help stall many power crises and reduce loss from current storage methods.

Comment Re:The elephant in the room (Score 1) 698

I disagree, perhaps letting them know that it's okay for them to move on with their lives, even if it means not watching later videos/opening future letters. My wife has made it clear that if she passes early she wants me to remarry, for our children. If I were in your situation I would remind them in each message not to dwell on the past, but to feel free to move forward. Tell them that you have made these messages not as a way to tie them to you, but to stand behind them during the important and often difficult times.

Comment Don't forget your wife (Score 2) 698

As (I hope) others may have said, make sure you also make some videos for your wife. Help her to be the best Mom she can be. Help her to know what qualities you loved about her. Help build her up, so that she can be there for your daughter when you cannot. Birthdays and anniversaries will likely be the hardest, planned some timed messages for then. I don't know about your religious views, but I believe strongly that the bonds of marriage can last beyond death.

When you have to leave a job or project that you love, you give your all to make sure that it will continue well after you leave. A family is the greatest project any of us will be a part of, and with you passing away your wife will be the sole top administrator. Give her tools for that bad times, when she'll not feel up to the task. Encourage her, let her know that she is wonderful and completely capable. Let her know your approval, gratitude, and love for her.

Comment Re:Just give the option to turn it off... (Score 1) 823

People (and service animals) will need to get used to silent cars - that is not going to happen until silent cars are ubiquitous, which is certainly not true now. There is nothing ridiculous about mandating some amount of noise in the meantime.

How are silent cars supposed to become ubiquitous if the law mandates that they cannot be silent?

Comment Re:Reminds me on kindergarten... (Score 1) 263

Your metaphor does not hold. As you put it, Google is inserting itself into other's business, when they should be concentrating on their own issues. In kindergarden, there are teachers and other staff to oversee the children and resolve conflicts. That does not exist here. Google has stepped up and is trying to improve their whole business environment, both in and around their area of stewardship. When researching an issue, bug, or flaw (such as security issues in this case) sometimes you find that the system you are working on does not contain the flaw, but the environment where it is being used. Normally, we accept it as a limitation and attempt to build around the flaw, leaving it for a pitfall to others. Google is calling out such flaws and letting the stewards over those flawed systems know, and giving them 90 days to fix it before they tell everyone else. This isn't whining, it's community responsibility, and I hope more companies follow suit.

Comment Re:Let cool (Score 1) 200

Of course this could destroy various aspects of Venus worth studying, and there is even a remote possibility of destroying some sort of alien ecosystem we have yet to discover. Before we set out to change the planet, let's understand it first. Mining the atmosphere (and further along the surface) for chemicals could make a cloud city financially viable in the far future (sooner and faster than terraforming), but since we have extremely limited data as to what is actually there we need to explore first, and explore well.

Comment Re:From Jack Brennan's response (Score 2) 772

Do you honestly think that this is new? Did 9/11, the deaths of a few of our countrymen and an attack on our soil warrant this? To think that this was all it took for us to commit such atrocities is foolish in the extreme. During WWII there were many places where Japanese Americans were forced into, our own American concentration camp. Some of those AMERICANS suffered like in other camps found in Europe. many have forgotten this facet of history. I doubt any of this torture activity is as new as is being presented. It's just that this is the first time it served someone's agenda for it to now see the light of day. Let's not keep our head's in the sand, we lost the moral high ground as a nation long before 9/11.

Submission + - X-Class Solar Flare Coming Friday ( 1

kit_triforce writes: From http://www.southerncaliforniaw... satellites have just detected a powerful X1.6-class solar flare (Sept. 10 @ 17:46 UT). The source was active sunspot AR2158, which is directly facing Earth. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash.

Ionizing radiation from the flare could cause HF radio blackouts and other communications disturbances, especially on the day-lit side of Earth. In the next few hours, when coronagraph data from SOHO and STEREO become available, we will see if a CME emerges from the blast site. If so, the cloud would likely be aimed directly at Earth and could reach our planet in 2 to 3 days.

Comment Re:Sorry, she is not worthy of the title (Score 2, Interesting) 75

I have a degree in Geology but have been employed as an IT consultant for 15 years. Degrees are a wonderful foundation, but there is no substitute for work experience, and working you often learn more then you ever could in a classroom. Roughly 80% of my technical abilities came from self-study and on-the-job training and experiences. Look at her work history, and what she has done. She is the best qualified person we have seen coming in to this position by quite a large margin.

Comment Re:Some rocks under p != All rocks under p (Score 1) 72

Remember that for the most part, most of the world has at least some igneous inclusions that might make this possible, and that further research may point to other electromagnetic discharges that may be detectible. Also, this does not mean underwater. Rocks formed underwater can only be volcanic, as the rapid cooling due to surrounding water creates the microcrystalline-to-glass consistency that makes up ALL volcanic rock. Igneous, by definition, has cooled slowly over time, allowing for crystal growth (individual minerals precipitating out of the magma at certain temperatures). The water is extremely deep groundwater, under massive pressure and heat, and affects the chemistry and physics of the magma.

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