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Comment Society should cater.... (Score 1) 212

Society should serve law-abiding citizens and mentally fit people. What people like the author here want, is to design a society that caters to psychopaths and the mentally ill. All you end up with is more psychopaths and mentally ill people, since society is designed for them (and not healthy-fit people) they will thrive and their population will grow.

Comment Re:Too short (Score 1) 76

PS: It's not the LULZsec that considers themselves "evil", because yes that would indicate a lack of Nihilism, but they don't identify as evil, we, the non Nihilists with values have dubbed them that. LULZsec does everything they do because they believe nothing matters and they just want to spend their life laughing.

So there is no contradiction because the Slashdot member you're rebutting isn't a nihilist and the people he's judging have absolutely no principals. It's probably even the reason the guy reporting snitched, he didn't have any values a la "honor among thieves".

Comment Tyler Durdon (Score 1) 373

A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

Comment Re:Sugar (Score 1) 329

Cardio is not meant to burn fat, it's meant to improve cardiovascular health. To burn fat you have to pump iron, build muscle. Like you said, cardio just isn't going to do it unless you spend 5 hours a day at it.

Anarobic exercise however will build your muscle mass, which will cause your body to burn more calories even when you're sleeping which can quickly add up. This is also why extreme diets are so horrible and cause people to balloon up after they quit their 2-6 month fast.

Comment Re:I considered doing the same myself (Score 1) 139

The deal was "free for proprietary use commercial users pay." It's really a very common form of licensing. Anyway, it doesn't really matter what you "think" is a good/proper business plan, you didn't write the license. When you go to get a resource from somebody, a water-well or a web-page, you do so on THEIR terms, hence a license. That's life, sorry Mein Furher but you don't get to dictate your ethics and terms to everyone in the free world. It doesn't matter if the license was somewhat permissive to begin with.

Comment Re:That wasn't the question (Score 1) 461

You haven't seen a brick before have you. If you think it's really that hard to conceal 30lbs of smell? Consider that semis with 1,000s of pounds of pot go through multiple checkpoints every day and more often than not the k9s don't even notice it. Maybe you can explain how human officers have a easier time smelling pot than trained k9s do. Here's an experiment for you. Go to the grocery store, pick up a PLASTIC can of Folgers, and when you're at the checkout see if you can smell the coffee inside of the plastic "can". Just be sure it's one of those "cans" where the coffee is in a sealed bag, then know that bricks of "Mexican dirt weed" (or w/e) are sealed up much more thoroughly. After all, coffee usually has a stronger smell (although more pleasant imo) than pot does, especially if we're talking about brick weed.

Comment Re:IMPOSSIBLE (Score 1, Flamebait) 220


I live 15 miles from the Mexican border, I heard all the Liberal rhetoric when I was in college from my Govt and English professors. But you know what? All I had to do was look around and notice that the MAJORITY of the people here have 12 kids, no job, and do nothing but sit around and watch soap operas (novellas), sell/snort cocaine and benzos (they get them from the state mental health office), have a habit of using homophobic slurs and curses at their husbands/children/public, and blaming all their "problems" (anytime someone refuses a handout) on the "gringo".

It's not any better at the college level as the colleges cater to these degenerate self-inflicted morons. Every time homework was assigned all the women would all at once exclaim "aaaaaaayeee siiiiiiiiir", and the college/professors would cave in because the campus first priority is to collect as much taxpayer money (pell grants) as they possibly can. In short, democrats and their "welfare for votes aka social justice" campaign has ruined every level of our society. Democrats know this, it's no wonder they want to hire H1Bs from a non welfare state (instead of an American Community College aka idiot factory) whenever it comes to a business they themselves are invested in.

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The only possible interpretation of any research whatever in the `social sciences' is: some do, some don't. -- Ernest Rutherford
