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Comment Re:Apple's activity is criminal here, Palm's is le (Score 1) 656

Dead missing the point, AC.

The issue is not whether Apple should support competing hardware. The issue is deliberately breaking competing hardware.

There is a tying argument that can be made, but I doubt it'd stick. Apple's weight in the space is hefty, but not quite as significant as Microsoft's in the PC space.

Comment Re:Sometimes Apple still thinks too much like a... (Score 1) 841

I think Palm did it intentionally because from their point of view, it's a win-win situation. If Apple permits (through inaction, not deliberate design) the Pre to continue to sync, then Pre wins because the functionality works. If Apple goes the way they did, they look like the heavy-handed meanie, and Palm looks like a victim.

Comment Re:What is strengthening Java according to TFA? (Score 5, Informative) 598

It isn't helpful that TFA is wrong on at least one point. It said that Eclipse 3.1 lacks code completion, refactoring, and debugging features. Unless the build in Debian is horrifically broken, it has all of those, including thread-level debugging, which it's had since before Eclipse 3.x. My assumption has always been this is because the progenitor of Eclipse -- IBM -- was more interested debugging server-based Java applications than standalone ones).

Comment IE8 is a mixed bag (Score 1) 575

I appreciate the improvement in standards support (though it still lags the competition considerably). For some reason, when I try to visit certain sites from my work PC, IE 8 will crash in urlmon.dll unless I have those sites in my Trusted Sites list. I'm only using it on that PC because I'm validating several applications against it -- I otherwise use FireFox or Chrome.

Comment I think the restriction is going to help and hurt (Score 1) 397

Parents who don't want their children having easier access to objectionable content will find this move desirable. If the kids want it bad enough, they'll find a way to get it, but there's no reason to make it easy.

On the other hand, for those to whom this reeks of censorship, this is going to drive people to competing platforms, like Android and webOS, whose App Stores are permissive in their policies. NiN could set their own App Store up for Pre.

Comment Ouch. Neither party deserves that much power. (Score 1) 1124

Although Specter says he won't be an auto-60th vote, party leaders will be sure to point out that their backing for the Democratic primary next spring will come with an expectation of support on these votes. The absolute worst thing for this country is for EITHER party to have control of the White House and both branches of Congress with a filibuster-proof majority. Both parties have immensely idiotic ideas, and this just paves the way for them to become law virtually unchecked.

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