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Comment Re:there's plenty of address space (Score 1, Troll) 258

Doesn't this just prove the point? Do you really want 5000+ internal hosts on a hospital network to be directly accessible from the Internet?

It seems in your case you should only require routeable addresses for your external servers, firewall, vpn, etc. and let everything else live on the inside.

So if you're ordering up all of these circuits please do us all a favor and don't even ask for more addresses than you actually need. Thank you very much.


Submission + - Students build supercomputers from bits, pieces

spudnic writes: "The LSU Center for Computation and Technology and Chief Scientist Thomas Sterling developed the free summer boot camp as a pilot program to expand statewide as early as next year. "They literally assembled these themselves and loaded the software," said Sterling, pointing to the computer monitors and the stacks of computing nodes on top each other. "They built these from bits and pieces, so it's really hands-on experience." "I can't live in an ivory tower and assume we'll be delivered a steady stream of students," said Sterling, who is best known for creating the Beowulf supercomputing cluster — a group of usually identical computers working together — while at NASA."

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