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Submission + - The Need for Search Neutrality ( 1

wilsone8 writes: The New York Times includes an op-ed today arguing for 'Search Neutrality': "Today, search engines like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft's new Bing have become the Internet's gatekeepers, and the crucial role they play in directing users to Web sites means they are now as essential a component of its infrastructure as the physical network itself. The F.C.C. needs to look beyond network neutrality and include 'search neutrality': the principle that search engines should have no editorial policies other than that their results be comprehensive, impartial and based solely on relevance.

Comment Re:Denying sexual maturity (Score 1) 143

But you can't hold a whole belief system responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole system of religion? And if the whole religion system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Shadowbearer - isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!

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