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The Media

Submission + - Computer Specialist barred from flying for T-shirt

Proud like a god writes: As reported by the BBC The 55-year-old computer specialist, Allen Jasson, who lives in London, said he was sticking up for the principle of free speech when he was stopped as he was about to board a flight from Melbourne to London last Friday. He was wearing a T-shift features an image of President George W Bush, along with the slogan "World's Number One Terrorist".

After clearing the international security checks at Melbourne Airport, he reportedly approached the gate manager to congratulate him on the company's new-found open-mindedness. At that point, Mr Jasson was ordered to remove the T-shirt after being told it was a security threat and an item which might cause offence to other passengers.

"I am not prepared to go without the t-shirt. I might forfeit the fare, but I have made up my mind that I would rather stand up for the principle of free speech," he told Australian media.

A Qantas spokesman defended the airline's decision, saying: "Whether made verbally or on a T-shirt, comments with the potential to offend other customers or threaten the security of a Qantas group aircraft will not be tolerated".

What suprises me is that airlines still justify these policies, and is there more than a correlation between us nerds and an interest in Free Speech?

Submission + - Making a Real Living Out of a Second Life Career

blackbearnh writes: "The virtual community known as Second Life has been getting a lot of press lately, as the hyperbolic real estate market has made some residents into real life millionaires. The Christian Science Monitor set out to find some Second Lifers making a good living doing something other than land speculation. It wasn't hard to find. From the article:

Blaze Columbia is, by any measure, doing well with his line of designer clothing. He's on track to generate more than $100,000 in annual profits, barely a year after launching his business. And that's in addition to a first career as a professional photographer. There's just one big difference between the clothing that this Missouri resident produces and that of any other top-of-the-line dress or business suit: His don't exist — at least not in the physical world.

The article also considers the real life problems that Second Life may face as virtual money is used for real world vices. From the article:

Some SL businesses already may be operating outside current law. Casino gambling and sports betting are pervasive in SL. The fact that bets are made in lindens, not dollars, won't shield gamblers from possible prosecution under federal laws banning Internet gambling, says Jaclyn Lesch, a spokeswoman for the US Justice Department. "Regardless of how one pays for the bet, it is still a bet if it involves something of value. While not a credit card or cash, [virtual currencies] would still be a 'thing of value' especially considering the fact that they are later redeemed for cash.

Truth in advertising: The submitter is also the author of the article."
User Journal

Journal Journal: Luther on: Religion vs. Reason

Reason is the greatest enemy that faith has: it never comes to the aid of spritual things, but -- more frequently than not -- struggles against the Divine Word ... Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason.

- Martin Luther

My conclusion: Any person of reason must oppose religion.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The USA lies on the equator? 3

I Just read Is this the equator? in the Orlando Sentinel. Apparently there's a school textbook out claiming that the equator runs through the US.

OK, accidents happen. This wouldn't be so bad if this were a case in isolation. What makes this a tragedy is the combination of these circumstances:

User Journal

Journal Journal: White House hijacks Patriot Reform

This week the Bush administration has strong-armed lawmakers into re-drafting a final Patriot Act reauthorization bill that actually makes the Patriot Act even worse, reversing months of careful and substantive bipartisan negotiations that attempted to deliver real reform.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Quotes of the day

This one had my girlfriend and me roaring with laughter:

We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the same sense and to the same extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart.

-- Henry Louis "H.L." Mencken, American editor and critic (1880-1956).

Wait, there's more:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Greetings from Idiot America 2

The title is not my words, it's from an Esquire article. I found it so spot-on that I'm linking it here:

Greetings from Idiot America

In spite of the title, a well thought out piece about what ails the USA these days.

In spite of the length, a piece well worth reading if you have a half hour to spare.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Where I stand: Science vs. Religion 1

Slashdot is getting increasingly polarized along the lines of conservatism (especially American conservatism) and religion on one side vs. science, enlightenment and liberalism on the other. Just in case anyone cares, I think it's time to state where I stand.


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"It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God but to create him." -Arthur C. Clarke
