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Comment Re:...What? (Score 1) 1117

It is so ridiculous. There is no way taxpayer money should be used to purchase something as ridiculously overpriced as a bulk load of MacBooks (a few for school use, fine). This school board needs some serious management changes if they're greenlighting this sort of purchase when there are much cheaper options.

It's worse than that. My friend's son goes to a school here in Seattle where they require the parents to buy each student a MacBook.

Talk about stupidity. Yes, certainly, we'll force parents to buy their kids (not known for lack of clumsiness) laptops (known for failure when dropped) - and we'll pick the most expensive laptops out there!

The Internet

Submission + - iLike site stolen wholesale by Beijing company

spectecjr writes: "iLike (a social networking site for sharing music preferences) is one of a number of social sites that have sprung into being since Web 2.0 became all the rage. However, in possibly a web first, a company in Beijing has entirely duplicated their site (translated version) down to stealing their flash code, and stealing their site design. Is this the first ever time that an entire site and business has been stolen wholesale by another company?"

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