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Comment Re:The more interesting part (Score 5, Insightful) 691

Well, let's face it - Stack was a white American, so you can't drum up the "damn Islamic foreigners" angle.

Plus, he's demonstrated quite nicely just how pointless most airport security is these days. I'm pretty sure he didn't have to go through a full-body scanner, and yet once again a terrorist has managed to crash a plane into an office building.

Some random Arab kid screws up even *trying* to crash a plane, and it's news for weeks, with subsequent major overhauls of government practices and even the President getting involved. Some random white American SUCCESSFULLY crashes a plane, into a civilian target, and we get a brief mention one night. Double standards, what are those?

I was also disappointed that Slashdot didn't post anything at the time (at least, this is the first story I've seen). Guy was a computer programmer, so there's the nerd angle. Plus, this site has been obsessed with any story hinting of this since 9/11.

Comment Re:Summary wrong: Not a coma! (Score 1) 347

How would you like to be incapacitated but aware and thrown onto a pyre... Yay! my last moments are insane amounts of agony as I am burned to death.


(Actually, in Anakin's case it was fitting punishment for the acting atrocities committed a generation earlier)

Comment Re:OT: What "Flamebait" means (Score 1) 494

And yet, I see many posts that "disagree with Slashdot groupthink" modded very highly in this thread.

Much like in any story about Microsoft, you'll see plenty of well-written up-modded posts praising a Microsoft product. Plus 300 others blatantly flaming, being modded down accordingly, and then complaining that the ONLY reason this happens is because they're not following the herd. *eyeroll*

Hell, I don't think I've seen a story about Linux in the past several years that isn't full of +5, "it isn't anywhere close to ready for the desktop" posts. According to the standard "Slashdot is groupthink!!!!" mentality, that can't possibly happen.

Comment OT: What "Flamebait" means (Score 1) 494

"Flamebait" has little to do with the content. It's all about the tone.

Most "logical" arguments don't have to resort to "terminally thick", "stupidest comparison", "brain crushingly thick", etc.

In summary, contrary to what a lot of you "hey, don't mod me down just because I disagree with your groupthink!!1" types want to believe, most Flamebait mods are because you're being a jackass. Not because of WHAT you're saying, but HOW you're saying it.

The GP is 100% textbook Flamebait.

Comment Re:Might be okay, might not. (Score 1) 235

That actually doesn't make cigarette smoke seem all that bad, to me (for those too lazy to read, it compares one tailpipe to 3 cigarettes, the cigs are 10x worse for particulates).

If each cigarette is equivalent to about 10 minutes of a car running, and assume the average smoker does 15 cigarettes a day... that's 2.5 hours' worth of tailpipe exhaust. Which is likely about what the average driver drives, easily these days.

So being in traffic for a couple of hours each day is like being nearly a pack a day smoker. Whoulda thunk?

Comment Re:I'm a west coast Canadian (Score 2) 584

Alberta has no cellphone ban of any sort in vehicles (yet).

Not sure why this would be modded Informative when it's at least 50% wrong.

That being said, I'm looking forward to the day Alberta DOES ban it - and hopefully finally gets it right, banning all cell use not just handheld. If using your hand was the problem, manual transmission cars would be illegal.

Comment Re:Your Honor! (Score 2, Insightful) 494

If you insult and mouth off to someone, they can slap you, as hard as they want, as many times as they want, and it's legal.


I find your comment rather offensive and an insult to my way of thinking. Allow me to commence slapping you're bruised and bleeding, and you go down in an unconscious heap.


Note: the secret here, is that insult and offense is 100% in the eyes and ears of the receiver. If you can't see where the problem lies here...

Comment Re:Imagination still useful (Score 1) 193

I think one reason (among a few) that the new films upset so many people is that these really are kids movies, and a lot of the upset people weren't kids any more.

And I think (know) a bigger reason is that the newer movies were crap. As evidenced by the fact that many, many adults loved the first trilogy, and yet virtually no one over the age of 12 liked the second.

Honestly, this isn't just rose-coloured glasses at work here. My parents loved the first 3 SW flicks, and they were in their 30-40s at the time.

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To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. -- Thomas Edison
