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Comment And this is news? (Score 1, Informative) 123

Why is this even news? A feature in a beta version of software got cut for the GM. Happens all the time. Any idiot can read between the lines and understands that there's a bug in APFS for fusion drives, and rather than delay the release, Apple is just disabling it on fusion drives until a point update down the line.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Comment Re: Good (Score 1) 389

But I am also for saying the real version of "The Pledge of Allegiance".

Which "real" version are you referring to? The original, written in 1887? Or the one that was modified during the red scare of the McCarthy era that added the words "under God" at the end?

And whose God is it anyway? Most of the founding fathers were Deists, and had very little in common with the Evangelicals or even mainstream Protestants or Catholics of the modern era. Our country was most definitely not founded on Christianity.

Comment Re: Good (Score 1) 389

You call it a disease, yet the more religion we force out of the USA the worse the USA becomes. Crazy right?

The only people it gets worse for are the ones who have in the past enjoyed special privileges and have been shielded from discrimination because of the social status afforded by their religious affiliation.

So, yeah, it's crazy to think that people actually think that forcing religion out of our government is making things worse. It's just the butthurt christianists that are used to getting their way and keeping everyone else "in their place" that are worse off.

Comment SSDD (Score 5, Informative) 129

This is the same argument that it's always been. Qualcomm has patents that are necessary to use cellular networks, and in return for making them standards, they've agreed to license them (either in their chips or their competitors) for "reasonable" amounts of money. Unfortunately for Apple, Qualcomm is trying to charge a license for a percentage of the final value of the phone, instead of a unit price per radio. They've been in court several times to determine if Qualcomm is being "reasonable" or not.

It seems a pretty specious argument to me. Just like the article says, you don't charge somebody more for a sofa just because they want to put it in a more expensive house.

Comment Re:The market was already moving in this direction (Score 1) 278

Apple went to Verizon first with the iPhone. When they told Verizon that Apple would control the phone, the updates, the eventual App Store, and they wouldn't be able to put their logos on it, Verizon told them to go fuck themselves.

AT&T though, they were desperate. They were losing land line subscribers left and right and their two different cell phone companies were flailing. So they let Apple do its thing.

Just a little correction here. AT&T wasn't desperate. Cingular Wireless was desperate. They made the deal with Apple, but didn't happen fast enough to save them, and they were acquired by AT&T between the time that the iPhone was announced and the time it was released. I believe that Apple went to AT&T after being rebuffed by Verizon, only to get the same response.

So while the iPhone launched on AT&Ts network, it was only because AT&T bought Cingular and was forced to honor its contract, not because of negotiations between Apple ant AT&T.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 0) 548

Exactly!!! If it bothered the french so much, they should have pushed for KO, MO, and GO for Kilo-octet, Mega-octet, and Giga-octet for the power of 10 units and leave the existing terminology intact.

Of course the French screwed that up too, because their precious ministry of language wouldn't allow French people to use the word byte and have to use octet anyways.

Comment Re:Nice that they can do this (Score 2) 249

Somewhere around the intertoobz, there was recently a story regarding a garage that had a tire balancing computer. It was a Commodore 64. I read another story yesterday about a Amiga 1200 running a modern RF communication system.

I think the upgrade/update virus has infected most of us. Me too at times.

And what happens when that C64 or Amiga dies? Right now, you could probably buy another one off of eBay, but do you think that one will last another 35 years?

I have a client who had been running a DOS app from 1981 that managed some industrial hardware. The computer was ancient, and finally gave up the ghost. Found out that while the software would run just fine in DOSbox on a modern pc, it wouldn't interact properly with the hardware it was supposed to be controlling. (something about weird signaling over the serial or parallel port). Found a replacement computer on eBay similar to the original to get them by, but then made it a high priority to get them the needed functionality from modern hardware and a modern OS.

No matter how much you think that you don't need to upgrade at some point, there's always something eventually that bites you in the ass if you don't.

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