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Comment Re:Illegal? (Score 4, Funny) 50

In China a lot of dinosaur fossils are sold in medicine shops. For some reason most Chinese still believe eating them cures disease and give you manly vigor.

Whereas in fact manly vigor comes from driving a dinosaur-sized truck that guzzles fossil fuel.

Comment Re:Logically only God could have created.. (Score 2) 429

something from nothing, or at least the physical from the non-physical. Lets all just admit that there is a single Holy God, who created the physical universe as we know it. He has always, and will always exist in spirit (non physical). For reasons unknowable to us He decided to create the physical universe - logically there is no other possibility.

Invoking an uncaused god to "explain" an uncaused universe doesn't do anything except add a middle man, and ultimately leaves *more* unexplained than before.

Comment Re:I live in Arizona, and it's a pain (Score 1) 613

We don't celebrate DST in Tucson, but all my distant suppliers etc. do, so I have to adjust my mental clock to deal with their different offsets.

I'm the opposite: *I* don't use DST, and I have to spend most of the year reminding myself that "those idiots" think it's an hour later than it is.

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"If you want to know what happens to you when you die, go look at some dead stuff." -- Dave Enyeart
