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Comment Re:Pathetic (Score 2) 293

If the budget for intelligence agents were not so bloated, they would spend it more wisely.

The fact that you are paying agents to play WoW is just a sign that you are paying them to do all sorts of wasteful things. Cut their budget to 10% of its current level, and you won't have agents playing WoW. Or if you still do, then cut it to 1% of its current level.

Comment Re:Did not happen in the US (Score 1) 263

The war might have had the effect of making the British take the Americans seriously, but it didn't cause the end of the blockade or the impressment. The blockade ended before the Americans declared war (though the Americans weren't aware of the decision), and the impressment ended when the war in Europe ended.

The only thing the Americans could have achieved by the war was the annexation of British North America, and they didn't. They didn't lose so badly that they had to give up territory (that's what Plattsburgh and Baltimore achieved), but they still lost.

Comment Re:Slavery hack (Score 1) 332

So the day after this announcement, they issue one of those requests.

The FISA court would grant them authority to do so, in order to protect the integrity of the FISA system. They would see the notice itself as grounds to issue one targeting you.

Are you volunteering to be one of the names who promises to quit?

Comment Re:They're tracking me they're tracking me OMFG!! (Score 1) 567

But I'm not trying to prove the cause of the accident. I'm trying to close a case (if I'm a policeman). The other party says "he was speeding, I wasn't" -- and the policeman has proof you were doing 80, but only your word that everyone else was too. You will be found to be at fault.

Comment Re:They're tracking me they're tracking me OMFG!! (Score 1) 567

You mean will I pay more if I'm in an at-fault accident, regardless of speed?

I meant that if were in an accident while speeding, you'd pay more if the monitor was in the car so they had proof you were speeding than if it wasn't. Having the monitor only for a limited time is obviously less risky for you.

Same regarding the police: they'll know if there was a monitor in the car and may request the data in case of an accident. If you were speeding, you're more likely to be found to be at fault if they have proof than if they don't.

Comment Re:They're tracking me they're tracking me OMFG!! (Score 1) 567

Have you made any claims yet? I imagine that when you make a claim while driving over the speed limit, it will come back to bite you. Probably they wouldn't get away without paying, but I'll bet you'll be worse off after the claim than you would with a company that didn't monitor your speed.

I would also guess that the information they collect on you will be available to some other driver who sues you, to the police who ticket you, and to the next insurance company you apply to after you decide to move on.

Comment Re:How can this work? (Score 1) 567

How can cutting the premiums of safe drivers work in practice?

They would raise the premiums of bad drivers, or just not accept the bad drivers as customers.

Isn't the idea of insurance that the premiums of those who don't file claims is what pays for the claims of others?

Yes, but that's after taking all predictable differences into account. Even if you are a safe driver, you'll sometimes have accidents just because of bad luck, or accidents caused by others who are uninsured and won't pay for them, or whatever. The other drivers who didn't have the bad luck will pay for you.

Insurance isn't to allow people who engage in risky behaviour to transfer their costs to others.

Comment Re:Not much need to worry (Score 1) 178

You (and one of the ACs) are making the assumption that the cameras make errors independently. But the cameras don't make the decision, the central server does. There's only one of those, and if the data it has on a target happens to look like a different person, it will flag the data from all of the cameras in the same way. The fact that they all agree doesn't reduce that component of the 0.1% error rate.

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