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Comment Re:going to be terrible (Score 2) 112

The 3DS is shite and is still selling in some numbers.

So will this.

It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to work.

(Am I the only person who on seeing this thought "Hrm, a potentially cheaper than all the others VR headset, how will I be able to hack this for PC use etc.?")

Also, those whining that the PS4 doesn't have enough horsepower to run it are clearly dumber than pond scum, the PS3 had enough horsepower to do it. You may need a little less detail, explosions/reflections etc. might be a tad less realistic but does it matter? Do you sit there pausing the game and criticising the graphics or actually play the damn thing, good lord.

Comment Re:You keep using that word (Score 1) 479

I'd say the stupid people are those who allow words to be redefined by journalists who could write what they know about hacking on the back of a stamp.

There was an earlier attempt to popularise the use of the term 'Worm' for crackers which would have avoided confusion with racial terms but heh, cracker is what we're stuck with now.

The white hat / grey hat / black hat distinction as mentioned above does seem to be the most well understood way of making the distinction these days however.

Comment Recycling... (Score 1) 171

Yup, given away here...

What I consider an old phone is generally still a useful device, leaving them sitting around deteriorating when not in use helps nobody and it's not really worth the hassle of selling them on and having potential idiots bring them back because they can't use them / dropped them in the bath / put them through the wash etc.

Comment Re:Irony (Score 4, Insightful) 337

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

More seriously, it is getting a bit that way here and the idea that you can be held simply for travelling to a country the government of the day doesn't like is outrageous.

For a start anything you do outside the country is none of their damn business. Secondly people may well have very legitimate reasons for going, perhaps they have friends/family there, perhaps they're working for an aid agency, amnesty, independent media or doctors without borders? This country is going to hell in a handbasket.

Additionally, this scumbag government is trying to get rid of the human rights act and withdraw us from the european convention on human rights, the tabloid fodder they're using to justify it is that prisoners may get the vote if we stay in. (which they should have anyway, they're supposed to lose their liberty, that is all, not be tortured/raped/beaten in private prisons or detention centres and not disenfranchised.)

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What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.
