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Comment Re:Ha. (Score 1) 270

So the companies have to make cost analysis and decided what brings in more profit: screwing with your current costumers to gain some file sharers, or lose those file sharers that would pay but make your costumers happier. As long as the first option brings more money, they won't change.

Much like Sony's hardware and software manufacturers, Sony's costumers are known for their wardrobe malfunctions.

Comment Re:Only 24 hours? (Score 1) 107

This is more or less what I do. The tables I make typically aren't 5-level nested monstrosities with spacer gifs and col/rowspans all over the place. It's usually only one or two levels deep, with the content placed into properly-styled DIVs with margins and paddings as appropriate.

It doesn't work perfectly (the DIVs wont grow vertically in any browser as they shouldn't, and the DIVs won't grow horizontally in IE6/7 with table cells like they should), but I refuse to deal with hacks like 100% heights, +1000000 paddings with -1000000 margins, and having to overflow a margined div to get clears inside the div to work properly and just accept that scrollbars will randomly pop up.

Comment Re:Only 24 hours? (Score 2, Interesting) 107

I'm still a tables guy- to me, doing anything remotely complicated in CSS is completely unintuitive and backwards, and requires ridiculous hacks before you even get to IE (no vertical alignment? lack of proper columns?). The real problem with web layouts today is that neither HTML Tables nor CSS were designed with layout in mind, so everything requires far too much effort to set up properly. To me, I'd rather deal with the (much smaller) hassle of using tables for layout than deal with the significant hacks to get around the severe limitations of CSS.

Hopefully when CSS3 gains some more widespread acceptance and some of the layout-oriented modules (the CSS3 table ascii-art module and/or the Flex Layout module) gain some traction, I'll be able to switch over.

Comment Re:The real problem (Score 1) 186

This is actualy a stupid article, as it doensn't even bother to describe the platform which has the vulnerability in it. It's not a platform or database issue if it's a SQL Injection, so it must be some app that is common... like a CMS package or blog engine... something like that.

It doesn't matter. It's not an attack on a specific web server, CMS, or even database engine. The ONLY thing that matters is if the underlying scripts driving the website are poorly written and vulnerable themselves.

It's not difficult to write something that spiders websites and attempts injection attacks against querystring variables that that individual site commonly uses. The exact same thing happened either late last year or early this year. Now in that instance, that was specifically targeted for MS Sql Server, but it's not hard to imagine a completely platform-independent version.

Comment Re:15 minute lockouts and no solution (Score 1) 342

One of the major features of the patch was adding a new LFG system that literally makes finding a group trivial. If you're just looking for a random instance, you'll be in a group within minutes. If you're looking for something more specific how long it will take will obviously depend on what instance you're looking for.

The key thing is that it's all automated now - it'll find 4 other people (with correct roles - 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 DPS) and automatically group them together for what they're looking for.

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