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Comment Re:Proprietary connector (Score 1) 215

First of all there is no such thing as a standardized connector for more than fifty or so KW. Sorry.

Tesla could help design one, together with other electric car manufacturers. If you can use each other's charging stations, it would help solve the chicken/egg problem of electric cars, and benefit everybody involved.

Comment Re:Bad news/ Good news (Score 1) 119

Why not get a beagleboard, then ? It's already available, has better documentation, and an active group of developers. Or a beaglebone, or one of several other cheap processor boards that are out there.

Especially if you're interested in hooking up other peripherals, and don't need 1080p video output, other boards are probably a better choice.

And the web server you can just run on a regular PC. If you have a dozen PCs, chances are that at least one of them is on 24/7 anyway.

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