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Comment Re:Gpu based paravirtualization rootkit, all os vu (Score 1) 265

Dude...lay down the crack pipe. It's making you post bullshit- and Anonymously at that.

Any OS? Really? This would mean you're using OpenCL or OpenGL/OpenGLES to do things- just for starters. But, in truth, there's no inbound/outbound pathway from or to the GPU (The GPU generally doesn't have I/O access to things and for good reasons...) without an additional OpenGL/OpenCL application as a front-end. Which would be VERY OS specific.

Sorry, but the person in question that claimed that it was possible hasn't the foggiest about what he was talking about. But...nice try.

Comment I call BS... (Score 1) 265

If it's using some sort of communications ("ultrasonic networking") it's **NOT** airgapped in any way, shape, or form.

"Airgapped" means no remote automated communications of ANY kind would be possible. You can't interact with it by remote, period- you have to have a human being log into a local console to do things with it. This is a failure of the airgapping measures being exploited is all- or it was never really airgapped to begin with.

Comment Re:level 1 to level 3 (Score 1) 274

If you're using the recorded details of the two known Level 7 Incidents, Fukushima's still not QUITE as bad as Chernobyl by the numbers. The thing is, though, it's going to probably have a farther reaching impact than land-locked Chernobyl- and it's still not over with (they can claim it's a new incident with this "leak", but it's still part of that level 7 that started with the Tsunami.) and it's reaching the 1/6th the total radiation at this point and no signs of being over and has signs of possibly being worse or getting worse than they're claiming.

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