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Comment Re:He didn't understand how the Internet works (Score 0) 242

This so much.

1) Google is as good as selling photographs with its news aggregation;

2) 99% of all photography may be shit, but "pros" don't deserve any special treatment.

On the other hand, I don't care much about intellectual property. I have one possible solution: an agreement to opt in or opt out of the intellectual property system. If a company opts in, it is required to pay royalties for all the IP it uses, with no exceptions or other get-out clauses. Anyone who is not in the system is free to use others' IP as they wish, BUT ALSO has no protection over their own IP.

Comment Re:Why are they doing this? (Score 1) 137

they're generally very good about economic freedom.

Now, no. Will other privacy-concerned people follow suit?

No, because most "privacy-concerned" people already understand that "economic freedom" just means the freedom for people to gain unlimited power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Comment Re:Consequences? (Score 1) 79

If you punish a government employee for breaking the law it makes it less likely that another government employee breaks the law.

Since AFAICT no individual has broken the law here - at worst they've broken an employment contract - "punishment" of an individual would have to be extra-legal.

Ofc we're going by the assumption that humans really do think "oh that guy's being punished for X so I should avoid X" rather than "that guy's being punished for X so I should be more sneaky when I do X", which - if the existence of crime is anything to go by - is how people actually think.

Comment Re:Consequences? (Score 1) 79

No, I indicated that it makes no sense to punish the government, then went on to describe that e.g. firing someone isn't punishing them. But, in general, punishing an employee doesn't make them work harder.

Anyway, I wouldn't work for any private firm which paid bonuses or cut pay according to performance in a particular role. I will do the best in any role I am given, and expect all my colleagues to do the same. If one of us genuine can't do the job, we shouldn't be in that position. I have never worked for the government.

FWIW, your sentence read:

Unless you work for the government, there will be some kind of expectations set out for you.

That's about expectations, not punishment.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 1216

Ah, kids of Slashdot. Governments have been sanctioning extra-judicial killings since the first man in a seat of power had a grudge against another. There is nothing new about this. "Police brutality" is almost a set phrase, although the white, middle-class men on Slashdot are less likely to be a victim of it. I am the law, etc. Assassinating 4 people in a country of 300 million is entirely unacceptable, but it still isn't going around killing everyone.

Comment Re:It is not the free market that is failing (Score 1) 1216

Yeah, that makes things worse.

But the trouble is that the free market allows companies to get so big that so many people rely on them that there would be a lot of suffering if the company collapsed.

It therefore seems necessary to not allow anything to get too big to fail.

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