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Comment Re:Holy Crap, What A Bunch Of Pessimists (Score 1) 393

Most of the data people have are not that valuable.

Not valuable? Not valuable to you? Even data you believe is utterly worthless to you could be seen as valuable to someone looking to abuse their powers or find out more about you. Hell, someone in the government could just misinterpret what you say and then you'll be harassed for years for some joke you made.

Even if your data truly is worthless, you should still encrypt so as to provide cover those whose data isn't worthless.

Comment Re:Holy Crap, What A Bunch Of Pessimists (Score 2) 393

They're just realists. Any population that would accept the Patriot Act, getting groped at airports, free speech zones, and other such freedom-violating nonsense without truly doing anything about it (even voting for third parties or writing en masse to representatives) should be treated as nothing more than mentally retarded preschoolers, for that is what they may as well be.

Comment Just what I've always wanted! (Score 5, Funny) 300

When I want a game console, what I actually want are advertisements! And the Xbox One offers interactive advertisements, no less! Sure, you could just play games to get your fill of interactive content, but why play games when you could watch ads? Who plays games, anyway? Certainly not people who buy the Xbox One; they'll be too busy with ads.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
