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Comment Thunderbird - for when you're done with GMail (Score 3, Informative) 282

I need to archive emails that I can search later - but with a twist. These are employees who've left the company. I can't keep 'em on at Google Apps 'cause I have to pay for that by user. So I use IMAP (making sure to set Chats to be shown in the IMAP list), create an account in Thunderbird, and slurp it all on to the local machine. It keeps all the folders, although I doesn't seem to be smart enough to figure out multiple labels, so it looks like it downloads the same email multiple times, once for it's folder, and once for "All Mail." Then I delete the account at Google. You just have to be sure to click through all the folders in Thunderbird and make sure it is done downloading before you blow the Google account away.

Comment Re:They get it (Score 5, Informative) 404

No, T-Mobile's plans (well, at least the one I have) come with free and lousy voicemail. Ever want to hear that waiting voicemail early in the morning because it could be from work? Well, how's about you go through 29 of your saved voicemail that must be re-saved or will be deleted before you can hear the new voicemail? Hows about you can't go to their site and download the ones you want to save?

Oh, you want to do that! OK, well, that will be premium voicemail. But yeah, the cheap-and-it-shows version is free.

Comment Re:It's ironic... (Score 4, Interesting) 300

Something that's always been bugging me... why is RDP so much better (no, not flamebait, RDP has been buttery smooth even over ATT 1.5 Mbps "broadband")? And been that way for years, better than the lightweight VNCs, remote Xs, and the latest X2gos.

Is there a fundamental difference in how RDP does it vs X?

BTW, I'm talking the RDP clients that come with Windows, not the $$ Citrix ones.

Comment Re:I don't get it. (Score 1) 1313

And it is interesting that they don't fully understand the choice of lifestyle they made. So governments in Europe are moving to put in austerity measures, which is deepening their recession instead of helping. At least France did, until Hollande stopped going full bore austerity.

And they have a nice lifestyle, no healthcare bankruptcies, and they make decent stuff. They even decided not use LiON batteries in the A380, so it's not like they became completely vegetative because they don't have constant downward wage pressure to make them work hard like in a union-busting US state.

Comment Re:It's time for a workers government (Score 3, Insightful) 154

Oh, I missed the memo. Is the revolution here? Is it time to line 'em up against the wall?

But seriously, lawmakers talking of laws being too harsh? Judges releasing people convicted under three-strikes in California? For America with its chart-topping prison population numbers, that's revolutionary enough.

Comment Re:Teaching The Controversy - Properly (Score 1) 813

The evolution of sensory organs is satisfactorily explained by an increasingly complex series of organs in different species. ID, on the other hand, has no explanation (not that ID and reality - otherwise known as "science" need to have competing explanations). And Darwin != evolution.

But hey, nice troll.

Comment Re:Digital Robin Hoods and Ned Kellys (Score 1) 98

Can someone clarify for me how exactly this is fighting for freedoms? AFAIK, iOS is pretty locked down, and this is in the EULA. Which ou agree to when you buy the device. I mean, no one who is carrying the mantle of digital freedom is lining up to get one of these iDevices thinking they're doing freedomish stuff, right?

Comment Re:Could we be a little less biased? (Score 1) 492

This is a rare opportunity to use a Slashdot meme on itself. Like when someone complains about a bug or annoyance in Linux, they're told to fix/code it themselves.

Well if you don't like the way the political process works, become a politician and fix it!

They need more transparency and a much higher level of technical (hell, any) knowledge and expertise in the legislatures.

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