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Comment Re:It's time for a workers government (Score 3, Insightful) 154

Oh, I missed the memo. Is the revolution here? Is it time to line 'em up against the wall?

But seriously, lawmakers talking of laws being too harsh? Judges releasing people convicted under three-strikes in California? For America with its chart-topping prison population numbers, that's revolutionary enough.

Comment Re:Teaching The Controversy - Properly (Score 1) 813

The evolution of sensory organs is satisfactorily explained by an increasingly complex series of organs in different species. ID, on the other hand, has no explanation (not that ID and reality - otherwise known as "science" need to have competing explanations). And Darwin != evolution.

But hey, nice troll.

Comment Re:Digital Robin Hoods and Ned Kellys (Score 1) 98

Can someone clarify for me how exactly this is fighting for freedoms? AFAIK, iOS is pretty locked down, and this is in the EULA. Which ou agree to when you buy the device. I mean, no one who is carrying the mantle of digital freedom is lining up to get one of these iDevices thinking they're doing freedomish stuff, right?

Comment Re:Could we be a little less biased? (Score 1) 492

This is a rare opportunity to use a Slashdot meme on itself. Like when someone complains about a bug or annoyance in Linux, they're told to fix/code it themselves.

Well if you don't like the way the political process works, become a politician and fix it!

They need more transparency and a much higher level of technical (hell, any) knowledge and expertise in the legislatures.

Comment Re:Free speech is for useful speech. (Score 1) 534

There is no "point of free speech." Free speech just is, as is freedoms in general. If there's supposed to be a point to it, who is to determine that it is not being served by some action, so that action should be prosecuted? If the expression of free speech in some way threatens some other fundamental rights, then that expression should be stopped.

Comment Re:Haven't read TFA (Score 1) 165

Methane emissions have fallen - this implies there's a lot of organic matter in the trash. While incinerating it is faster, I wonder if composting it would be a better long term approach. There are many sources of energy, but organic matter is more valuable as fertilizer. Especially in that it will recover chemicals like phosphorus, of which there's a shortage brewing.

About the cost of transporting it - if a lot of the trash is organic, then they're essentially transporting water, something that becomes evident if you compost.

Comment Re:It's about time (Score 1) 216

You said:
"Applied stem cell biology is quite complex,..."

That is the key here. You think it is complex, but looking at the postings above yours, and at least one followup to it, people are thinking that the FDA, scientists, the whole edumacationistic cabal, are making things too complex to preserve their authority. See for example, postings saying there's enough information out there that people can come to their own conclusions and decide for themselves. See how anti-vaccine kooks get copious air-time (any kooks, for that matter) - just because they can't see why the FDA is correct must mean the FDA is wrong.

And there's also this anti-government/libertarian sentiment (why do we need medical regulation, why do we need the dept of education, etc.). In some cases, there is over-regulation and some times regulation does lead to beneficial drugs getting to market later than otherwise, but the FDA exists because the record of the free market in medicine has only debilitating injury and death to show for it.

And I think we're finding this out with there off-shore stem cell facilities too. Only the failures never make it to the marketing material, so these treatments always work, so why should the FDA not let everyone get the benefit, right?

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