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Comment Re:Hard for predators to be effective wfh (Score 1) 207

All I suggest is that some of the more misanthropic folks in here might give some thought to the possibility that they might be experiencing issues with interacting with other humans.

Some of us are pretty far on the spectrum and it probably plays into why we chose our professions (I do software development). I love what I do and don't actually hate people, but high school behavior and corporate politics has been hell on my nerves.

Comment Reminiscing the 486SX (Score 1) 180

I remember being annoyed in my early teenage years upon learning that the initial i486SX had an FPU, but Intel permanently disabled it. You had to buy the more expensive DX model to get the FPU. Or plug in an additional i487 co-processor, which was was basically a DX chip, but unlike normal co-processors, it didn't just perform FPU ops, it disabled the main processor and took over all operations. Anywho, a software upgrade of the original CPU would've made this simpler.

Comment Re:Not just technical problems (Score 1) 159

I don't think humanity is remotely ready to make reality a project like that.

Imagine a future of self-replicating autonomous robotic spaceships that mine asteroids, converting their raw materials into planetary space shield components. In 2020, worldwide motor vehicle production was about 78 million (!). Think how many self-assembling robots could be constructed if raw materials and an untiring labor force were free and limitless. The only thing us meatbags would have to do is orchestrate the operation-- and much of that can be automated.

Comment Re:They can't just use "HDMI 2.1" by itself (Score 2) 91

They can't just use HDMI 2.1 by itself or without any of the HDMI 2.1 features.

It's confusing. This is what TFT Central determined:

We contacted who are the “HDMI Licensing Administrator” to ask some questions about this new standard, seek clarification on several questions we had and discuss the Xiaomi display we mentioned above. Here is what we were told:

HDMI 2.0 no longer exists, and devices should not claim compliance to v2.0 as it is not referenced any more. The features of HDMI 2.0 are now a sub-set of 2.1. All the new capabilities and features associated with HDMI 2.1 are optional (this includes FRL, the higher bandwidths, VRR, ALLM and everything else). If a device claims compliance to 2.1 then they need to also state which features the device supports so there is no confusion.

So according to what they have told us, this means that in theory all devices with an HDMI 2.x connection should now be labelled as HDMI 2.1, even though at the end of the day they may only offer the capabilities of the older HDMI 2.0 generation. With HDMI 2.0 certification now discontinued, these are basically 2.0 devices hiding under the replacement banner name of 2.1. They don’t have to offer any new capabilities whatsoever, but they are still supposed to be labelled as 2.1 it seems.

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