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Comment Re:Ok... (Score 2) 180

Metal wheels on metal rail have significantly lower rolling resistance than rubber tires on asphalt or concrete, though. And, the infrastructure for rail is better suited to providing electricity to a train (partially because there's already metal to metal contact) than the infrastructure for roads.

Comment Re:I have 7 cats (Score 3, Interesting) 252

Maybe Toxoplasma gondii merely causes its hosts to engage in higher risk behaviours. In the wild, for small prey animals such as rats and mice, that is likely to be lethal and result in being eaten by a suitable carrier, but in this artificial environment we live in, perhaps it manifests in other ways. For example, flouting controlled substance laws to gamble 20-30 IQ points against a little temporary euphoria - then bragging about it - that sort of thing.

Comment Re:Eucalyptus trees are a bio terror weapon (Score 2) 160

Yeah, but the problem is that the introduced pest is a yucky insect. If only a bunch of cute Koala Bears had been introduced to eat the California eucalyptus tress, all would be forgiven!

Trust me, you wouldn't think that way if you heard them snorting and grunting and growling in the middle of the night!

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 251

There's actually another way to do it, that GEOS and webOS's Enyo framework did. Actually, even Windows Mobile's implementation of .NET did this to an extent, IIRC. Android half-asses it, but it at least tries - there's separate phone and tablet UIs in the same application.

Don't let programs draw their UI, make them give a list of tasks to the OS, and make the OS draw the UI that's appropriate for the device you're on. (GEOS, at least, had hinting of sorts, IIRC, to note the priority of tasks.)

Use the same binary across all devices.

So, on a phone, you get a simple UI that lets you do stuff that's appropriate for doing on a phone.

On a tablet, you get a more fully fleshed UI, but still touch-friendly.

On a desktop, you get a full desktop UI.

The added benefit of this is, the UI can never be inconsistent with system standards.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 251

And, there were consumption device-class tablets back then, too.

They were basically the "internet appliances", shoved into a resistive tablet form. And they all failed miserably. Part of it because of performance, part of it because there wasn't a strong software ecosystem, part of it because they didn't have a strong premium consumer electronics brand attached to them (that is, part of the reason why Apple is so good at launching products is because they're Apple, and people will buy Apple stuff, and due to network effects, a platform needs to be successful to be successful (it also didn't hurt that Apple started with a phone OS that was already successful)).

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