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Comment Re:Birds (Score 1) 115

Some strikes hit the engines which, at the very least, cause the plane to be pulled from service and inspected. Sometimes they wipe out both engines. Oops. A bigger concern for me, as someone who spends a lot of time in little planes, is said Phantom womping into the leading edge of a Cessna or Beaver - planes that aren't constructed a whole lot heavier than the drone. That could ruin your day.

Most drones weigh less than 5kg. They probably wouldn't even dent your leading edge. It would be like a kite strike, I suspect. The shipping weight of a phantom drone is 6.6lbs (3kg)

Also, it would be pretty easy to avoid. I've encountered BIG birds on final, and been able to get around them with ease. Now, birds are pretty predictable (they always dive). However, I've never had a bird strike in 2000 hours of flying cessnas.

Kites are illegal near controlled airports. I could see making it illegal to fly drones there too. I don't think making it necessary to get a pilot's license (like the FAA is planning on doing) makes sense.

Comment Re:How do they define a close call? (Score 1) 115

On the other hand, I'm a pilot (or was a pilot before the FAA took away my medical certificate) with 2000 hours of time in small aircraft. Other aircraft aren't the problem. They never were. The problem is distraction during busy times, fuel issues (like forgetting to switch tanks,) breaking weather minimums, flocks of birds, etc. The number of midair collisions every year is vanishingly small when compared to the number of operations.

I'm all for increased air safety, but imagine an interaction between a drone and a 747. Unless it is a predator, I suspect the 747 wouldn't even notice it. If you hit one in a small prop plane, it would dent a wing. If it hit the prop, maybe you would have a dented prop that would have to be filed out. They are very light. I would be more afraid of a bird strike, which could take out the windshield.

Comment Re:Which is why girls dominate game making... (Score 1) 312

Now am I saying women can't do this work? No. I am rather saying they don't want to do it. They sit down in the programming classes, notice it is not fun for them, and leave.

What a stupid thing to say. Karmashock, probably indian. My daughter is in her third year in engineering, and encounters your attitude ALL the time, I really don't know what is up with indians. All the indians I've known have treated me (a man) with respect. However, at her school, the indian TAs won't help her, and the indian students are either rude or sexually suggestive. So, what does she do? She kicks their asses by actually studying instead of cheating, by finishing group projects on her own that they are too stupid or lazy to do, and cries in her dorm room every night because their stupid attitude has infected her. She has a 4.0 GPA, and now wants to quit engineering with only a year to go. I guess it wasn't 'fun for her'.

Comment Re:Oh no (Score 1) 297

To a certain extent, that's meaningless. Those calories are bound up in a way that you can't use them--which is why they're waste). It may be that there are some usable calories in there if you went back and ingested them again, but obviously there are significantly diminishing returns.

My dog, when she was a puppy, had an annoying habit of eating her own poop. The question is, is it nutritious? I suspect putting it through a second time isn't such a bad thing nutritionally, although it is disgusting, obviously. It certainly adversely affected her breath.

Comment Re:Thanks fracking (Score 1) 334

The way to adapt is by retiring the internal combustion engine.

People driving around in cars is only a tiny part of it. You could stop everyone from driving a petroleum fueled car right now, and it would make little or no difference. Heavy industry, HVAC in homes and businesses - that's what does it. The solution is nukes or one form or another. Solar and wind can't put a dent in it, and China's not going to stop putting a new coal-fired power plant online EVERY WEEK any time soon. Cars have got almost nothing to do with it.

Sorry, I don't think that is right. See this link. From the article:

Our cars and trucks are a major cause of global warming. Collectively, they account for nearly one-fifth of all U.S. emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas. About 5 pounds comes from the extraction, production, and delivery of the fuel, while the great bulk of heat-trapping emissions—more than 19 pounds per gallon—comes right out of a car’s tailpipe.

Comment Re:Other factors. (Score 1) 217

Statistics is hard. You can't simply use a random selection, or else you might conclude children with large feet have better reading skills. []

Well, if the point of statistics is to predict things, then causality is immaterial. If you have a list of children, and you have their shoe sizes, you can use the statistic to predict their reading ability. If you are trying to understand the causes of reading ability, you aren't going to pick a statistic that includes shoe sizes. So, the whole 'correlation isn't causation' trope is, in fact, nonsense.

The article is trying to predict bugs based on language. To that end, it doesn't matter if there is causation, it just matters that there is correlation.

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 1) 485

Well, the last time Republicans were in charge was Jan 2007. At that time, the unemployment rate was 4.6% and falling, and the deficit was $161 billion.

Yes, they certainly built quite an extravagant house of cards. If only they'd held power for one more term it wouldn't have collapsed...or something.

Republicans controlled Congress for 12 years; six years with a Democrat president, six with a Republican. The highest unemployment seen during this entire 12 years was 6.3%, and it lasted only one month. If Republicans were the problem, we shouldn't we have seen a problem before 14 years had passed?

Since 2009, for five years, we have not seen the unemployment rate drop below 5.9%.

And yet the only time workers got even a small raise was under Clinton. Strange.

Look here

The fact is that since republicans have had control of the house, no stimulus (like the two stimulus measures passed under Bush by both parties, or the 2009 stimulus bill) has happened, and nothing but cuts and stupid government shutdowns have occured. The deficit (as a percent of GDP) has gone down every year since the financial meltdown. This means an ailing private sector must take up the slack of the hundreds of thousands of federal and local jobs that have been lost. The republicans have blocked all bills that might have helped, and in fact have been actively hostile to such efforts as extensions to unemployment, and even food stamps.

Also, are you SERIOUSLY trying to blame the financial meltdown on Obama? I mean, why didn't the lack of legislation under Bush have its intended effect, and calm the markets? The invisible hand was apparently too busy bitch slapping bond brokers and people who had their future tied up in 401Ks. Without the bailouts of banks (the TARP, under Bush, passed by the democratic congress) our economy would have crapped its pants. In trying to get stimulus after the near depression, 177 republicans voted against the 2009 stimulus act in the house, and only 3 republican senators (one of whom was Arlen Specter) voted for it. Without that stimulus, we would still be in a depression.

The fact is, republicans brought on the financial meltdown due to lack of oversight, nearly destroying the economy, and have done everything in their power since to keep it fucked, all the while blaming Obama, who wasn't even around (well, he was a Senator) at the time. They should be laughed out of office. Sadly, they have a really good PR firm working for them (FOX news).

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 1) 485

Let's do another analogy:
You buy a crappy house. There are guys paid to keep up the place, but they are doing a crappy job so you fire them. You put a lot of your own money, blood, sweat and tears into fixing the house up. Sure, it's not the greatest house, but it's a whole lot better than it was. However, it will require maintenance to keep it that way until everything is in working order. But, you have to move because the contract at your job is up.

I would blame the moron who bought the house. Particularly because he then went in and knocked out all the load bearing walls, slapped some paint on it, and put termite attractant all over the remaining walls. Then, he managed to fuck up any ability to fix it by burning down the town's bank, and skipped town, leaving the new owner, who didn't want it in the first place, to deal with it.

Comment Re:This is great news! (Score 1) 485

Last time I was subjected to a new round of their peace and prosperity, I had to look for a new job.

I was out of work for two years (2009-10), had 20 job interviews, and filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy before getting a new job. I was out of work for eight months (2013-14), had 60 job interviews, and took out a bank loan to pay rent before getting a new job. As a moderate conservative, I remembered when Republicans once stood for responsible government.

You guys still exist? Seems like most moderate conservatives are democrats these days.

Comment Re:Two things. (Score 1) 330

And I've remained in the USA for the last...hmm, it's been almost forty years since I lived in Europe.

And I haven't bothered to watch the (TV) news in longer than that. I'll scan the web for headlines, but that's about it.

Amazing how much happier it's possible to be when you don't waste your time worrying about things you have no control over....

In a democracy, you are supposed to have control (a teeny weeny bit of control) over government. You can't exercise that control unless you keep track of what is going on.

We are having a mid-term election today in the U.S. that is probably going to allow the wrong party to control congress. When I say 'wrong', I mean the party that doesn't have the most popular support. This is the fault of people who don't pay attention. That control will allow them to cement their control of the supreme court, and many lower courts. It will allow them to continue to block legislation that could easily get us out of our current crappy job situation. It will enable them to gut the first step towards a national healthcare service we've been able to make since the 1960s. It will allow them to block meaningful legislation that could help avoid global warming. It will enable them to continue to roll back reproductive rights for women.

Comment Re:Lemme guess (Score 1) 739

Indeed... while it's good that there are less uninsured people now, it doesn't fix the problem that the whole profit-driven (lack of) healthcare system is rotten to the core. I sure don't have any type of health care, public or private. I am expecting a fine at some point, though. Some of the regulatory patchwork like expanding medicare, or letting college students stay on their parents' insurance until 25, will pump up the numbers -- for a while. For some. Meanwhile, people will continue slipping through the cracks, costs will continue to rise. The only question for me is, how many years will it take for the house of cards to come tumbling down? When do we establish an actual healthcare system like every other developed country? How far will my teeth and spine have deteriorated and my carpal tunnel syndrome progressed in the meantime? Even if I do end up with a shitty, expensive healthcare plan before then, how much debt will the necessary surgeries put me in?

One of the nice things about obamacare is the yearly caps on out of pocket expenditures. Even the cheapo policies have these. So, your out of pocket for a year is something like $6500 (not including the premiums.) If you are poor, you get subsidies, so the premiums are not bad. Considering that a typical surgery can cost $250,000, this is pretty good news.

Also, the US price spiral for healthcare seems to be calming down, possibly due to obamacare's vast array of controls.

I want a public option too, but it was not going to get through the democrats in charge, so we ended up with something that is less of a punch in the mouth for healthcare providers, similar to the German system which has been so effective for so long. If the red states would just stop blocking the medicaid expansions for political reasons, we could have a system that actually works for most people.

It still won't be the most cost effective system, and it still won't give us the best outcomes, but it will be better than having people die of cancer because they couldn't afford chemotherapy or surgery, or lose their retirement and house because they refused to just die. And no, they don't do chemotherapy in an emergency room, Mitt.

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