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Comment Re:I Got It! (Score 1) 538

Yeah, but the whole article is about crackers stealing the password hash database. There is no way you could crack even a (random) 9-digit password (even if it only consisted of literal digits) over the internet. I guess the maximum you'll get is 1000 tries per second before the server will get unresponsive under the DOS load.

Comment Re:I Got It! (Score 1) 538

There seems to be a thing about entropy you do not understand. The information on the password structure is part of the entropy as well as the actual contents that you fill the structure with. There is a function f that assigns to each possible password p a probability f(p) that a user would choose that password. The function is obviously unknown, and undecidable/uncalculatable, since it depends on the user, who is, in approximation, turing-equivalent. A perfect password bruteforce tool would try the passwords strictly in the order defined by f. However, since f can not be calculated, all password bruteforce tools can only use an approximation. One approximation would be 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' ... 'z' 'aa' ..., but that approximation is obviously pretty bad. An other approximation would be a wordlist, followed by combining words, putting special characters in words, etc. An other approximation would be iterating over all words, but 'decompressing' with an algorithm as I have stated in my post above. That way, you would catch d0G..... pretty fast (at the same place where you would place a 9-character-password with the brute-force approach, or something like that). While crackers are certainly still far away from a good approximation of f, I can assure you that they are getting better and better. Using a low-entropy password such as d0G.... will only work until the cracker's approximation of f gets good enough (e.G. by self-learning AI, or simply the decompression algorithm I proposed). Hence, d0G.... might give you a feeling of false security, since its entropy is extremely low, but you hope the cracker does not know that passwords of such structure exist yet (now that you have posted the structure on slashdot... well... he certainly does. but even if you hadn't, if he uses the decompression approach, he can already crack it easily).

Comment Re:I Got It! (Score 1) 538

That would be security through obscurity. Your password has very little entropy, it can for example be compressed to 1'd0G'18'.', which has 11 characters (and I tell you, the actual entropy is a lot lower). You are assuming that crackers would bever get the idea to test for passwords in this style. A cracker which tests passwords strictly ordered by the amount of entropy they contain, i.e. an optimal cracker, would crack this password pretty easily. I'm pretty sure you are underestimating the amount of intelligence in password crackers.

Comment Re:OMG! (Score 1) 93

They are not cheaper because of Windows. Microsoft is not that desperate yet - first, they would make pirating easier again. They are cheaper because of all the other crapware that runs on top of the Windows. Basically with each Windows PC you buy, money flows from Symantec to Microsoft.

Comment Not a Jailbreak (Score 1) 101

A jailbreak is some sort of privilege escalation from inside a locked-down system, using bugs in the system. This "hack" just consists of attaching a debugger to the running system, which is perfectly allowed, and modifying the live memory. That might be hard, since debug symbols are probably not released by Microsoft and source code is not available, but it is by no means anything security-relevant.

Comment Re:US Metric System (Score 1) 1387

Your personal life will not improve directly, since humans are stubborn and hate the new stuff, trying to avoid it whereever possible - hell, here in germany, the use of 'horse power' for car power has been banned by the government for decades, and people still don't talk kilowatts. However, the unification will make everything a lot easier, especially for trade and international engineering projects (mars probe, anybody?). On the long run, products will get cheaper, less mistakes will be made, etc. Also, your kids will be thankful when they learn the metric system instead of the imperial system in school. But you, you will have to suffer.

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