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Comment Re:Yes but is this different (Score 1) 446

Exactly correct. It's like the politically correct mafia that also wants us to "feel" for the poor addicts who continue to use drugs when they ought to know better, or the parents of kids who die from drug overdoses and go out of their way to blame the drug dealers for their kids' deaths, rather than realize that their kids had everything to do with their ingestion of drugs.

It's not that there is or even whether there is a bias against obese people: doctors in general ought to have a bias against obesity if they want to do no harm. Obesity harms individuals and is comorbid with many other dangerous diseases. Doctors should have a bias against obesity, but not against obese patients. Hate to use this one but "hate the sin, not the sinner".

Comment Re:Who's on HTC First? (Score 0) 54

Re: There seem to be more and more comments like this on various discussion boards lately, just completely random incoherent disconnected words. It doesn't disturb, merely intrigues until I find out who or what is behind it.

Dude, lurk on ./. more and understand memes like "1 x, 2 y, 3 z, 4 ???, 5 profit!!! " !!! You'll have more fun in life, and you may get the jokes that keep whooshing over your head!

And srsly, who the fuck hasn't heard of Abbott & Costello's "Who's on first?" routine? Get a life. They sell some on aisle 4, if you don't have a clue.

Comment Who's on HTC First? (Score 4, Funny) 54

Who's on HTC First? No, no, no, that's a bad joke. Leave the "who's on first?" to Abbott and Costello!

It doesn't take a prophet to see what happens when there's no interest and no profit!

Profits First, HTC 2nd? No, wait...

Sales first, profits 2nd, HTC 3rd? No... wait!

1. Mediocre Concept first
2. Poor Execution second
3. HTC "First" really last! Puts M$ Zune to shame in lastness!
4. ???
5. No Profit!!! Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 Dollar$ !!!

Comment Re:A better philosophical approach (Score 1) 397

re: Say what? Is this guy the real deal? The skeptic in me says no, but the rather low user ID makes me doubt my skepticism.

Take a look at jwales /. posting history and post contents. Looks like the real deal. And the comment is very apropos and very insightful, but it's also exactly what wikis allow, so that's to be expected, eh? Je suis moi. Qui etes vous?

Comment Not much content in the article... (Score 5, Informative) 51

Not much content in the article...
The researchers have grown nanocrystals using europium oxide and aluminum oxide powders as the source materials because the rare-earth element europium is known to have good phosphorescent properties.

A little talk about UV LEDs and fluorescent materials, but not much talk about wide-band color phosphors, or even what bare LEDs to mix to match sunlight or what all. Seriously minimal content in the pointed to article.

The group has been studying the atomic structure of the materials using x-rays from Argonne's Advanced Photon Source. Two of the three types of crystal structures in the group of phosphors had never been seen before, which can probably be attributed to the crystals' small size, Budai said.

You'd think they might actually mention what it is about the two crystal structures that has never been seen before !!! That might make it more interesting. There's not even a pointer to another web page or article that has details about this!!!! How disappointing.... editors, j'accuse! add a little substance, pick something more meaty !!!

Comment the pinnacle of the gender divide (Score 1) 252

Re: No, no, Slashdot is probably the pinnacle of the gender divide.

Having a physicist in my family, along with a female physician, I must protest your claim. The pinnacle of the gender divide is much more likely to be localized within the branches or tendrils of the hard sciences, engineering, or the sexism-bastion of medicine known as surgery:

1 - Physics: theoretical and condensed matter physics.

2 - Electrical Engineering

3 - Cardiothoracic Surgery

4 - Neurosurgery - may I strongly suggest reading the book "Walking Out on the Boys" by Frances Conley, M.D., a Stanford Neurosurgeon.

/. is just piddling baby-boy sexism compared to the trench-warfare of medical school, residency training, and fellowship, particularly in the operating room if my mother's war stories are to be believed (and I think she expects me to believe them. She's the one who bought me the Walking out on the Boys book.)

Comment Re:That's great news! (Score 1) 252

Greetings, fuzzyfuzzyfungus. I was not implying that Intel was with-holding any assistance or information from Apple. I was implying that the company responsible for designing and making the graphics hardware might just happen to have software programmers around who understand the ins-outs-interrupts-and-memory handling of the graphics hardware built by them, and understand and be able to program them better than the people hired by Apple might be able to .. do so [trying not end the sentence on a dangling infinitive participial blah...]

Of course, if Apple had people who understood the hardware even better than the Intel people did, then the Apple software stack and opengl driver would be faster, better, stronger. My only implication is the same as saying Ford could make a better frambulator for its frambulating cars than an outside tech company could, even if it's only because the Ford guys know what mistakes they made on the way to making their hardware in the first place and what mistakes not to make.

Comment Re:That's great news! (Score 1) 252

Greetings, oh kindred-by-name-one!

re: Nice nickname you got there. Wonder where the inspiration came from. Achem, now, on to the commentary!

Actually, the name comes from a taunt flung my way when I walked into my first room full of computer fanz at the computer club after-school meeting in 7th grade. That I didn't walk out right away but stared the idiot in the face for his silly sexist attempt at a taunt unfortunately only made the nick stick. Sheesh. Way to make a girl feel welcome.

And your compiler warnings ought to be "parser warnings", perhaps? Are we actually compiling my comments or parsing away? [I'm lucky if I remember enough to preview prior to posting, let alone check my comments for sense!]

I like your 'business sense' joke, tho! And the exclamation points fly off of my finger tips like spells and lightning bolts when I'm typing furiously, whether on a computer keyboard or on a telephone pad txting away. Please have a baker's dozen more (here-ya-go !!! !!! !!! !!! + !) in case I forget to accentuate and emphasize my points later in the day!

Oh, and also, I think you meant "deprecated" instead of "depreciated", but that commentary has also been taken care of below. I actually believe that GNU and Linux have both appreciated [in value] rather than depreciated, and that the two are symbiotic: gnu makes linux more valuable, and linux makes gnu more valuable. Or is that more synergistic than symbiotic?

Comment Re:That's great news! (Score 1) 252

okay, okay. Now I see your name and see and understand some of the strange comments I get at times. (i think i've been mistaken for you bcuz of my name...) I've gotten some very funny downmods and somehow recently got blocked from getting mod points after getting 15 mod points per day for a couple of weeks after getting mod points at all. There are bizarre anti-girl and female rants on here at times, and that has made me browse at '0' instead of at '-1', though the obligations of community and society (yay, western civ 1!) may make me reconsider and browse again at '-1' to downmod the idiot trolls instead of depending on the kindness of strangers to keep those troll comments modded down!

Comment Re:That's great news! (Score 1) 252

re ! Have YOU tried running a Ubuntu 64bit distro? What a joke.

The joke is Ububtu. Go to and get your glorious 64-bits of linux kernel and gnu userspace and whichever other gui and apps thou desireth.

  Then snarketh back at my snarkitude if you can find a reason. Methinks that thou wilst not find such reason, and with reason and fairness shall you accept my initial premise and statments. Will 'i am the true shaker of spears, not that Bacon dude' Shakespeare, from his lesser known play Debian the Great.

Comment Re:ask the twelve people who care? (Score 1) 252

It's a waste of money, dude. Why spend that much money for a mac mini when you can get comparable or better hardware for half the price? Especially if you're going to be freeeeeky nuf to pay again to run the microsoft windows experience on it! oh, and also, "whooosh!" Do you not even get the reference to the "BSD is dying" crap that permeates threads of yore? Sheesh, it's easy to get your goat. Try tying your goat in a fenced-in-pen and perhaps chaining it in place. Then people won't be able to get your goat as easily and you might have less stress and time for a sense of humor!

Comment Re:ask the twelve people who care? (Score 1) 252

Re: I'm pretty sure there are more than 12 of us...

Dude, it's a joke! Referencing the constant bleating of those who keep saying that BSD is dying. I'm certain that there are at least 12 of you in my high-school alone, with parents crazy enough to buy them Macbooks and Macbook Airs, and the kids crazy enough to add bootcamp and windows onto their greater than 2kilodollars hardware.

Paying money to downgrade their experience? Sounds as sensible as paying a license for Windows 8 and paying extra for the ability to downgrade back to Win7 or the XP 'xperience' !!! That's the Microsoft Windows way, baby!

Comment ask the twelve people who care? (Score 1) 252

Re: The real question is how fast the Windows driver is... You should ask the twelve people silly enough to run boot-camp windows on overpriced Apple laptops for the windows 8 driver experience. Didya notice no-one else even brought that up? No one cares, perhaps? That's turning into a BSD / HURD kind of joke now, isn't it? When will it turn into "Netcraft confirms that MS Windows is dying..." ???

Comment Re:That's great news! (Score 0, Flamebait) 252

snarkay! Well, if you want to compare windows and gnu/linux, then windows really comes off badly by that comparison. If you want to compare GUIs, Gnome 3 is almost as icky as Win8 and Metro, but MS wins the Loserville medal on that too. Why don't you have the balls to say what you want without your cowardice and anonymity? Is it because you're so wrong? You are. That's it!

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