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Submission + - Why you shouldn't upset your employees

DerUberTroll writes: There is always a bigger fish.
Nobody gets rich really fast by being honest. And since there is a worldwide crisis, governments are looking for money anywhere they can get it. So, my advice is: stop. Some proof may bite you in the ass some day and you might lose it all, just for acting like a horse's ass.

Submission + - Hitler's Jewish Commander and Victim (

DerUberTroll writes: A Jew survived due to an order given by Hitler. Our editor Susanne Mauss found a note of the Gestapo to the effect that the judge Ernst Hess was not to be persecuted or deported because of an order from the Reich Chancellery. During World War I, Hess had been an officer and superior to Corporal Hitler.

Hess had the luck of being personally ‘pardoned’ by the mass killer Hitler, whose officials fulfilled his order with the same efficiency they executed their master’s mass murder decisions. Hess’ exemption only lasted until 1942 when at the Wannsee Conference the murder of the European Jews was codified. Hess survived thanks to his ‘mixed marriage’ with his gentile wife. His sister was murdered by the Nazis, as were millions of others.

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