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Submission + - Telephones ready for skype? (

duggi writes: "Mobile phone provider 3 has launched a new pre-paid handset that will allow users to make free calls over the internet via telephony service Skype. How hard would this hit the established telecom industry, and how many products similar to skype are we going to see? This would ,most likely open up a debate on what the Mobile companies are charging us, and what alternatives we have to deal with them."

Comment Allready been done... (Score 2, Interesting) 137

Actually you should be more worried about it takes to soak into the new asfalt...

Anyway, new tarmack has allready been invented ( to be quiet, yes). It's called ZOAB (Zeer Open Asfalt Beton, which means Realy Open Asfalt Concreet). It's nice airy mix of asfalt & concreet which reduces the time for rain to soak in, making it a lot safer to ride on in heavy rain & is quite a bit quieter..

There are also newer versions that are even quieter, but so far only ZOAB is use on almost all the dutch high-ways.

I wish these people would just combine their efforts instead of staying in that NIH (Not Invented Here) mode.
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