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Comment Re:So Sad (Score 1) 684

I definitely think they have a responsibility to help others, but I would not go so far as to say that It should be done to prevent being looked down on. Why doesn't the football star go play catch with the geek who spent all day reading about geometry? I agree with you, but I think it needs to be done in all aspects of life that is what will advance us all.

Comment Re:This is news? (Score 1) 684

I believe in equality as well. Everyone should work equally as hard, and get their due. I was not implying that it was any scheme to bring down the top, I was referring to the fact that any type of success is met with bullying. Now I understand you can get beyond it and become so filthy rich that you don't care, or so smart that people have no choice but listen(we could hope). I posted a provocative comment that was definitely on topic, but also to illicit conversation from the masses.

We are all in this together, and we need to start acting like it. Should the rich pay more taxes? Damn right...Should the smart kid lead the class? Do I have to ask?

Comment Re:This is news? (Score 2) 684

Actually, I think my comment and the one from 14erCleaner are 100% on topic. Children are taught very young that to be different is to be wrong. Good grades are different from the norm unfortunately, and the kid gets pummeled for it.

People who argue about the topics we just pointed out suffer the same fate (in a way). The point is that it is a learned behavior , and starts very young.

Comment Re:Social Conservative Christians (Score 1) 503

A democrat will not do shit that will upset a single sheep. It all has to do with class, both sides. Neither one of them want to fix the deficit and that is easy to see. If they did... Why do we still not have a balanced (today, not the 10 years later carp) budget.

Simple answer is that the confrontation sells. They proved it in this election, that's for sure. They want people to pick one issue that they are so concerned with, fill them with FUD and then slip a bunch of bullshit in under the radar.

The sad part is that you bought it.

Comment Re:It comes down to cost (Score 1) 253

It is definitely interesting... Scary even! What kind of government functions could be brought online if it is assumed that everyone has high speed internet access? I understand the argument for persistent access to the internet being an economic boost. I use my smartphone every day. I am not sure that I agree that it should just be everywhere and "FREE".

I can't think of a single social innovation that is worth the cost. It is definitely worth discussing. It just shouldn't be mandated from some office somewhere, by someone completely unqualified, and towards a goal that they probably wouldn't agree with anyway.

Comment Re:Very true, for many reasons. (Score 5, Insightful) 298

I see a lot of admins in very large companies throw labor at a problem as their first course of action. It is typically a face palm moment for me as I often see the problems as fixable in minutes. I believe that all sysadmins should be able to program, but think that making a programmer a sysadmin is generally a bad idea.

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