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Comment Re:Maybe a good thing (Score 1) 320

This might actually help solve the obesity problem. If American's can't afford to eat out because they are spending too much money on tech, maybe they will eat healthier homemade food. One can hope.

Or they will buy money-saver frozen meals. You know, the ones full of salt and trans fat. Then they will get fat AND cancerous.

Comment Re:False choice (Score 1) 439

But they didn't the product would be better, but that would sell better. And the reason here is pretty clear: Microsoft doesn't focus efforts into promoting his products. Android and iOS are far more popular, and the customers asks for them.

The product's quality isn't the point here. How well it sells, however, is.

Comment Re:money talks (Score 2) 110

At the same time, Mr. Gates mega-corporation wage patent wars with everyone. And promotes blatant monopolism (this word does exist? My spell-checker seems to disagree) in its product.

The true problem isn't THE SINNERS. People are not essentially good or bad (even your so blamed psychopaths, for that matter) and are prone to make bad decisions (or even being oblivious to the bad decisions made in her name) from time to time. I don't know if Gates is a nice guy or is just trying to generate some good PR karma, and I won't pass judgment on it. The true problem is the system (damn, I didn't want to use the S-Word) tend do not consider the damage your actions make if they also result in more money, and you can always clean your bad name in the repentant media.

People get a free pass to punch a town full of holes and get away from it with a bad name, which can be erased if you so much as try to help the same town with the money the town made you.

Comment Re:I bet (Score 1) 407

Most Americans should be proud there were people protecting your freedoms 200 years in the past. I would know, I'm not American and the Constitution in my country is much newer. and because of that, we have people nowadays whose parents simply vanished, because they did the crime of talking back against the government.

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