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Comment Re:I don't understand (Score 1) 867

Haven't you ever been using Windows or OSX and thought "This is so frustrating, if only I could change X!"? Well with Linux, you can. Windows or OSX is like leasing your computer through Apple or Microsoft. Sure, you can do stuff, but only with their permission. With Linux you finally own your computer and can do anything you like with it or to it.

Comment Re:no self control (Score 1) 322

Fundamentally on the money. If you are a parent you have a duty to not feed your kids crap and then sit them in front of the TV. And yes, I am a parent, and yes, it can be hard, but that is no excuse to fail your kids. This generation is saddling their kids with poor nutrition and exercise habits that will haunt them for life. Cancel your cable, take them to the park, make McD's a rarity. I've eaten fast food. On average it costs $20 for my entire family to eat crappy tasting food. Unless you are eating prime rib, groceries are cheaper. I am being harsh, but these kids don't make the choices, and there are far too many obese children around.

Comment Re:No matter what the outcome actually is.... (Score 1) 1184

Imagine if Henry Ford had had Apples lawyers. All other vehicles would have to have 5 wheels, or perhaps 3. Perhaps he could get a patent on the windshield as well. Other cars would have to innovate. Perhaps steel bars? A piece of very thin wood? Who was the first toaster manufacturer to think of rounded corners? Maybe Apple could lend them their lawyers. My toaster looks like every other toaster, how can that be fair?

Comment Re:Linux on Mac?! (Score 1) 780

I do it with a macbook air.

The hardware is nice, but OSX is terrible.

I was starting to think I was the only one who felt that way. OSX is a flashy and expensive trip down mediocrity lane.I don't get why all the hype. Linux Mint is a bit buggy on my Mac, but it is still preferable to the perpetually spinning beach ball.

Comment Re:You should never stop learning (Score 3, Insightful) 260

Yeah you should stop learning. In the middle of your career, the return on investment is going to be weak. You only have about 40-ish years of good work in you (assuming you don't encounter issues with age-discrimination). It's one thing to learn on your own in the context of your job/career or personal time. It's another thing to invest time and money in a further formal education that is only going to provide so much return.

What are you going to do, go be a 45 or 50 year old entering a new path? Right. That'll be taken seriously.

There is no shortage of people who are ready to tell you what can't (or shouldn't) be done. If it is something you want to do and feel strongly about, do it. Every great mind in history, and everyone who ever did something worthwhile had to hear and ignore the naysayers.

Comment Re:Bad karma (Score 1) 573

On the other hand, avoiding patent controversy keeps the stock prices high. Sure, one little girl loses the ability to communicate with her family, but Apple execs can can afford to install that second hot tub. You see the predicament they are in.

Comment Re:Conventional wisdom? (Score 2) 738

Nice. I am 38 and will finish my CS degree by January. I didn't go back because I put a lot of stock in trends, I went back to find a fulfilling career that I enjoy and bullocks to the trends. You can look at data for any career and try and stir up fear and uncertainty. Just do what you love and ignore the skittish attitudes who jump at every shadow.

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