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Comment Re:I desperately want to give HBO my money (Score 1) 193

Last time I was forced to play Comcast's threaten-to-cancel-so-I-can-keep-my-promo-price game, I somehow ended up with a year of HBO. It's the biggest "meh" I've experienced in entertainment. There is never anything on I'm interested in. And it's not even in HD. There's like 800 channels of useless sports in glorious high definition and then HBO in low res.

Comment Re:You poor baby (Score 1) 277

I have friends 15 miles from Washington D.C. who are on dialup (or Verizon wireless cards) because it's apparently not cost effective to run cable or DSL to their neighborhood. My folks live in Montana. They don't even have good dialup. Forget 56k, they're falling back to 14.4kbps.

I'm in suburban VA. No DSL and my Comcast loop is so saturated that I don't even bother trying to use it at prime time.

Comment Re: Backwards (Score 2) 144

After I put in a cat door, my cat started bringing me mice "gifts" every morning. One day, she waited patiently outside my bathroom door with a live mouse in her jaws. As I stepped out of the shower, she bit a hole in its head and dropped the squirming mouse, blood spurting out of its skull, at my feet. Freshest gift ever.

Nice kitty.

I finally locked the cat door when she brought in a bird. Ugh.

Comment Re:Rain X (Score 1) 237

I use stuff called Plexus on motorcycle windshields and helmet visors. It cleans, protects, and polishes out scratches and haze. I've never tried it at 200 kts, but it's amazing stuff. Would be interesting to know how it works on an aircraft canopy.

Rain-X I used on the inside of goggles to prevent fogging until I discovered Scott No Fog Cloth. Nothing else works like it.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 1146

I suspect your heat pump has an electric backup whether you know it or not. I had a brand new Trane forced air heat pump installed in my house two weeks ago and it came with a 15kW electric backup heater. So far it doesn't use it even well below freezing, which is a big improvement over heat pumps of 10 - 20 years ago.

My neighbors have a 1 year old heat pump with gas backup and I notice that it's switched to gas when the temps are much below freezing, so gas must be more cost effective than trying to run the heat pump in that cold.

Comment Re:No Slugfest (Score 2) 586

Reminds me of the gun control polls that ask questions like, "Do you support background checks at gun shows?" (which there already are) and then conclude that 85% of the population wants more laws.

But, seriously, even polls run by the liberal media - Obama's lapdogs - aren't showing a lot of support for this. The peak was less than a majority. Just wait until people figure out that healthcare still isn't free.

Comment Re:Nothing else to do but whine? Try planning ahea (Score 2) 234

Its good for the grass anyway, natural fertilizer.

No, it isn't. The problem for the grass is the urine. It kills grass and, since dogs like to piss on each other's piss, it leaves whole patches of dead dirt.

My end-unit townhouse was where the whole neighborhood let their dogs defecate. We paid for a garbage can and little bags so the pet owners wouldn't even risk touching any, yet they still left the feces. Unless someone was watching, of course. My Saturday ritual was shoveling everybody's dog shit into a trash can so the stink wouldn't permeate my home. I'd even leave the shovel out in hopes that some considerate dog owner would help out, but no. I'd just find the shovel, handle down, in the can the next day.

I finally sold the house and moved away because of dogs. Well, not because of the dogs. Because of their rude, inconsiderate owners.

Comment Re:Not if you have tinnitus? (Score 4, Insightful) 332

I have tinnitus from going to night clubs and frat parties in college. I can't sleep at night without a fan and this chamber would drive me nuts.

Kids: Wear your friggen earplugs. You may look like a dork, but trust me, someday you will wish you had. You know that ringing you hear after leaving a concert? Someday you'll hear that all the time and it never, ever goes away.

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