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Comment Re:salary and benefits (Score 3, Informative) 86

> What it lacks are the machinists, carpenters, contractors and technicians who will build the new fabrication facilities.

No, what is missing is a living wage. All of those jobs start at below the living wage, you can make more money later but mostly if you work for yourself. Working form someone else in those roles will always hold you back.

Those jobs don't pay minimum wage.

My first job at 16 years old was as a motorcycle mechanic (self taught) and I made 5x the minimum wage. My friends worked in fast food and made minumum wage.

Raising minimum wage would have done nothing for me, but my friends would be replaced by kiosks. Which has already happened.

If you're an adult trying to survive on minimum wage, you've made a terrible mistake.

Comment Usenet (Score 4, Insightful) 324

Way back when I worked for a dialup ISP, employees were forbidden to use the company's Usenet servers even if we had a personal account. They knew the service was chock full of CP and god knows what else, but the act of an employee putting eyes on it would mean they'd have to do something about it.

I'm confident that however this case turns out, there will be yet another warning popup to click on for every site on the internet.

Comment Re:How hard is it currently? (Score 1) 43

Again, I'm honestly curious about hard is it to get away from someone if you actually really want to?

I didn't RTFA, but I can say from experience that when my ex wanted off my phone plan, I had to give permission to the carrier to release her number. Which I did, of course (was tired of paying for her Iphone anyways). And it was her number before we joined plans.

But I could have said no, or transferred her number to my phone.

Comment Re:There is only one Climate Doom Loop (Score 0) 113

I didn't deny anything about warming, in fact I stayed it was occurring... just that at this point it cannot reach feedback levels, as lots of measures are underway and will eventually contain it. I even said we should continue to support climate improvement efforts..

Whether we're all driving electric cars in 5 years or 50 years will ultimately make no difference to the earth.

Comment Re:What happened to (Score 1) 84

it is time to heterosexual men to understand that birth control has become their responsibility, and that means a vasectomy unless you are fully prepared to be a father.

A vasectomy should be assumed to be irreversible because oftentimes it is. It may sound like a great idea when you're 20, but when you're 38 and you and your partner have been trying to conceive for years, it's awful. And kids, "I'm ovulating - just get it over with" is not enjoyable sex.

Comment Re:gating porn today (Score 1) 210

It seems to me that every time that I have gone to vote, I have needed to show my ID which proves that I live at a particular address. Do you not have to do that in your state?

Not me. In fact, I get 8 different absentee ballots in the mail for former tenants who haven't changed their registrations so I get to cast 9 votes!

Comment Re:email and sms spam (Score 1) 20

Twilio and Sendgrid are responsible for a large chunk of email and sms spam that I receive. They refuse to block my email or my phone number globally in their network, leaving me no recourse but to block them. What a bunch of fucking assholes, fully allow spammers and will do nothing about it - outright criminals over there at Sendgrid.

I send bulk SMS via Twilio and they are VERY strict on respecting do-not-call requests (Reply "STOP") and will cut us off entirely if we don't comply. Our system automatically flags any number that replies with any stop words and will never send a message again or call you. And it's automated. No human involved. In fact, the flaming hoops we have to go through for compliance makes me wonder how I get to much SMS spam myself. I am 99.9% sure that if you reply-stop to a Twilio customer that it STOPS because I have to.

Comment Re:Privacy nightmare (Score 4, Interesting) 150

They're checking your external IP address (fine with me) but also allowing you use your laptop/tablet/whatever elsewhere if you've used it to watch content from home within the last month. Which sounds pretty reasonable to me. They could just lock your account to your home network.

This means my kids can keep using my account on their tablets when they're at their mother's house. I've been wondering if that complies with their TOS, but it sounds like they're specifically allowing that use case.

Only downside would be if I was travelling for more than 30 days, and they've made a workaround for that specific situation. The only reason I can see to complain about this is if you're deliberately using someone else's account.

Submission + - Poll Suggestion 1

CubicleZombie writes: Humans will have a permanent self sustaining presence on Mars in:

20 Years
50 Years
100 Years
500 Years
1000 Years

Comment Re:We're already around the theoretical limit (Score 1) 121

...the oldest people on record died in their eleventies, though the eldest did make it to 122.4.

It is likely that people supposedly living to extreme ages aren't as old at they think they are. Either they forgot or they're carrying around someone else's identity (which is common in the 3rd world countries where a lot of these super-old people are). There was an article on Slashdot a while back about this (but I don't remember when... lol).

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