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Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 316

If they're not having sex with their spouse, they're probably going to be using porn. And then their spouse is usually going to feel like they've been replaced by the porn. Because, they have been.

Yes. But not because of the porn.

Really? You probably just haven't seen it.

Wasn't that implied when I stated that it was anecdotal evidence?

That said, I find it highly, highly unlikely that anything but the most dysfunctional marriages could be ruined by porn.

Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 316

Porn provides an outlet that can very easily enable someone to ignore the problems in their marriage until they are irreparable.

If they wanted to ignore them, then they could do so normally. But this isn't really porn's fault.

many spouses have some level of basic expectation that you find some way to suppress them during the hours that the two of you aren't together

They sound very possessive. I think I see the problem with the relationship already.

I realize that some people are more liberal and don't care, but in general what I'm saying is still true.


Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 316

I doubt that was really his point. He was probably just warning people to be careful. The fact that they watched porn doesn't mean that their marriage fell apart because of that. In fact, I'd say it's more likely that something was already terribly wrong before that if watching porn 'caused' their marriage to fail.

I believe it's a problem very few individuals have.

Comment Re:Evil (Score 1) 375

Hey! Aren't you that guy who keeps posting nonsense about Game-crapper and about how your cheeks will boil (I still think that means arguing with people gives you explosive diarrhea)? Don't you go around calling people clones?

Ah, I see! You must be that clone again! I've seen through your little tricks. Return to Gamemakerdom this instant.

I have to admit that kind of idiocy kind of invalidates your arguments.

Non sequitur. That makes no sense. For instance, if I argued that 1 + 1 = 2, would that be false because I'm a Gamemaker advocate?

Comment Re:Evil (Score 1) 375

The proof here is easy, You can not misread my comment and get strawman from it.

But you can miss something. In other words, I misread his comment and missed something.

Wrong. Pedantic can be subjective in a narrow area.

Pedant: A person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning.

That is inherently subjective.

Taking what someone said and believing it is not subjectively pedantic.

But I think it is in this case. I said you were being too literal in your interpretation of his words, and then you bring up one of his quotes. That, to me, is a minor detail when discussing what he probably really meant.

Even in you last post you throw out the word "conspiracy" multiple times. A word used to dismiss the nut jobs.

Well, I think the fact that you seem to think I have an some sort of dark agenda is just as insane. I don't know you, and until now, I have never heard of you. My only "agenda" is to, I believe, reply to you with my thoughts on your comments.

You with an agenda that is plain.

You with an agenda is plain. You have some sort of agenda! I bet it has to do with replying to me!

Slow down and quit with the fear.

My opinions: you need to slow down, stop interpreting everything as an attack, stop believing that everyone has some dark agenda and is out to get you, and stop seemingly pretending to be able to read minds.

Or attack that which scares you and you "know" is wrong.

Now, when did I ever say that I "know" something is wrong? It seems to be you who is speaking in absolutes.

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