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Comment Re:Let them drink! (Score 1) 532

All crazy laws are based on the assumption that it is the govern business to regulate everything and that by doing that it will solve all problems. And by everything I mean not only the economy, which consists basically of consensual deals between two or more individuals which should not be the business of the government in any way or form, but also any relation between individuals and even regarding how a single individual lives his life.

There are several mechanisms used to pass such laws, from the infamous "national security", to the "defense of poor victims of society", to the equally horrible "we are giving this right you didn't ask for and because of that we own you", among many others.

Comment Re:Democrats voted (Score 1) 932

Please you don't need to be a totalitarian to support cronyism, control and oppression. Soros, Gates and all other progressivists billionaries are all having billions of profit thanks to cronyism and big, protective states and they plan to keep it going for as long as they can.

Totalitarianism is the eventual endpoint of this, but who cares if it will take more time than he has of life. In the meanwhile the reap the benefits to be the friend of the king.

Comment Re:Of course (Score 1) 337

If you want to receive at half the speed the server is sending you the server will have to wait either way. The ISP is not magical, it will have to do exactly the same as your router. If you feel your router does not have enough processing power or memory to deal with your needs, buy a better router or use a computer as gateway.

Comment Re:I prefer (Score 1) 337

That is complete nonsense. You just need a good router, or to install a computer as the gateway in the worst case scenario. If you establish the priorities in your router you will not be any worse than if you establish it on your ISP.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
