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Comment Re:How about OS X vs. Windows? (Score 1) 511

It wouldn't make much difference. Apple sells mostly portable devices. Windows has barely any penetration in the markets where Apple sells most of its stuff. There are HUGE differences in market penetration by class of device:
Desktops + laptops: 87% of installed base
All browsers: Windows OSes: 65% of web clients
In tablets: Apple 48%, Android 43% of installed base
In phones: Android dominates with close to 80% of sales

The breakdown probably reflects what users think the devices are good for.

Comment Re:Well, uh... (Score 4, Interesting) 363

Actual question from the letter:
"Has the NSA spied, or is the NSA currently spying, on members of Congress or other American elected officials? ‘Spying’ would include gathering metadata on calls made from official or personal phones, content from websites visited or emails sent, or collecting any other data from a third party not made available to the general public in the regular course of business.”

"Yes, Bernie. You're being treated like a criminal too, because terrorism."

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